Chapter 4-Bo

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I lift my head up and meet Tommy's gaze, and glare at him. I told him to stay put! He is injured and he is fighting! However, he does have a huge advantage over the rogues with his massive black bear. I didn't really believe him at first, but now I do.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when two more rogues attack me, one biting into my shoulder. I let out a small yip before ramming the body of the rogue into a tree trunk. The wolf whimpers and lets go of me. I waste no time, and bite it's neck. The other wolf jumps on me, but I fling it off and kill him instantly.

The years of training and abuse with my father taught he how to defend myself and fight. I was the best warrior on our pack, one reason why I was the alpha. Another growl sounds to my left and I whip around, biting into the wolf's front leg. It lets out a snap as blood pours into my jaws. I release the leg and pin the wolf to the ground before killing him.

I jump off and help out my pack warriors where I can. This was one of the biggest rogue groups we have had attack us, ever! They were never well organized, but this was a lot of untrained rogues. It was too easy. This shouldn't be so easy.

"Alpha! The children are missing from the bunker!" a frantic voice calls through the mind link.

I had told all of the parents to send their children to the bunker under the pack house. That thing only had two exits and both were guarded. How could they just disappear?

"I'm on my way!" I growl through the pack link, rage consuming me. "Keep fighting them!" I yell to my warriors, before sprinting in the direction of the pack house.

I hear heavy paws thudding behind me and turn around only to find Tommy following me. I turn back around and continue to sprint to the pack house. I finally make it, only to find parents crying and some in their wolf forms looking around, trying to find their children. I shift into my human and pull on a pair of shorts and a shirt a parent hands me, Tommy doing the same.

"Tell me exactly what happened," I growl as I walk down into the bunker, the parents and Tommy following close behind.

I make it into the empty bunker and find it empty of all children. The walls are made out of cement, how did they get out? How did someone take them? I walk around and sniff the area, finding the hint of rogue and a disturbingly familiar scent, but I can't place it.

"We all placed the kids in the bunker, along with all the pregnant females, while the rest of us stood outside and guarded the building, just like we are supposed to do," the mom sobs. "Then we couldn't smell them anymore, so we sent a few to come down and investigate, but they are all gone," she cries harder rand a man comes up and wraps his arms around her.

"We'll find them and get them back," I promise with a snarl, walking around the room again.

A white sheet of paper catches my eye in the corner. I walk over to it and pick it up. It is a child's drawing of a pink werewolf playing in flowers. I smile at the cute drawing and turn it over. my smile instantly drops as I read the paper, my hands shaking and the blood draining from my face.

Hey baby girl,

I was in the area and thought my friends and I would pay a visit. I hope you don't mind, but we barrowed the children. They being very well taken care of in their CELLS and I just want you to know that you have proven to be strong, but that doesn't erase what you did to me. You will pay Bo, no one should ever take over their fathers pack, or try to kill them when all they do is provide for you. I have an army now, made of rogues and hunters, and they already have a special fascination with someone VERY close to you. Send my regarded to your mate and congratulations. You had better watch out, wouldn't want anything to happen to him.

With love, Jack Malka.

"What is it, Bo?" Tommy's voice comes up beside me.

I silently hand him the letter and turn to face the terrified expressions of the parents. It's my job to protect them, and I failed. How did he even know that I found my mate, or that he was special? I let my father come back and kidnap their children.

I feel Tommy's warm arm wrap around me and pull me towards him with a protective growl.

"He isn't going to touch or hurt you," he snarls.

I take the letter from him and approach the surrounding parents. They all look expectantly to me and I take a deep breath, meeting each of their eyes.

"I know who took the kids. It was my father, Jack Malka. He wants revenge for what we did to him four years ago and he is just starting now. We need to form allies and get help. I promise, that I will fight with everything in me to get the children back," I say determined.

"Your first ally will be with my pack. We will help you,' Tommy says to what remains of my pack.

I look up at him, shocked and surprised. He smiles down at me and kisses my forehead before turning back to the pack.

"We will help you fight and get your children back," he says, gently squeezing my side.

I look over at him and see that his injuries are already mostly healed. I look up at him, confused. That was faster than a werewolf. Only a few hours.

"How did you heal so fast?" I ask once the parents start to filter out of the bunker.

"My bear heals me faster when it is necessary, but it takes some energy," he sighs, running a hand through his gorgeous auburn hair.

"Did you really mean what you said about helping my pack?"

"Of course I did Bo. You are my mate and I would do anything for you, plus, stealing a bunch of pups is just wrong," he says, kissing the top of my head. "But, you will have to come back with me to gather some of my warriors and bring them here. We need to gather as many warriors as my pack can spare and find those pups," he says sternly.

I stare up at him and smile. How could he be my mate? He seemed so perfect, and I was just...well, I was just me. Plain old broken and scared me. I was so lucky to have him.

"What did I do to deserve you as a mate?" I say quietly to myself with a small smile, shaking my head.

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