Chapter 11-Tommy

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I groan as I sit up staring at the four dark walls I have been forced to live within for the past month. I miss Bo, I miss my pack, I miss my family. I sound like some whiny kid, but when you've had to face daily torture here, you become desperate for you loved ones.

I have been cut open and healed over and over, just for fun. Each wound has made a permanent scar, now my body was covered in them. it wasn't as bad as Bo's but I know she would have a fit, when, she sees them.

"Hello, Tommy," I hear the familiarly silky voice I have come to hate and dread.

I turn in my cell and face Bo's father, Jack Malka. He was just as I imagined him. He had a bald head, covered in tattoos, along with his body, that was also covered in scars. His eyes were a cold, piercing blue, nothing like Bo's beautiful ones. You could tell that he was her father, though. They both had the same hard and determined face at times, though Bo's was slightly softer.

"I have gotten some news that my daughter is coming to pay us a visit,' he chuckles.

Making me growl. I move to get up, but let out a series of coughs as my collapsed lung protests. I spit out blood onto the cement floor before turning to glare at Jack.

"I-if you...touch her...I will...kill you," I choke out, trying to sound stern, but it comes out as more of a gasp, and Jack definitely noticed.

"Nah, you'll be dead, along with all of these children," he smirks, facing the other cells in the dungeon, full of the children of the Western pack.

I growl as a few sobs escape the younger kids, making Jack chuckle. His phone starts ringing and he pulls it out, winking at me before answering.


"Oh great, please bring her to the torture room. I want to have some fun with her before I bring her down here," he chuckles into the phone.

He turns it off and smiles at me, revealing his ugly yellow teeth. I growl and scramble to my feet, sucking in a sharp breath, before hissing in pain as my ribs yell at me to stop. I cradle my broken arm to my chest and limp over towards the cell bars, ignoring the bleeding from my leg.

"Don't...touch her," I growl, my voice dripping with venom as my bear leaks through.

Jack pales for a second, his wolf submitting to my bear, but he quickly covers it up with his smirk before walking out of the dungeon. I slam the palm of my non-broken hand against the bars and let out an angry growl. He can't hurt her! I have been in here for a month and she's all I can think about. I can't lose her while I rot away in a cell. I was stupid to get caught in the first place, but just like my sister before me, I got too far away from the pack and they all gained up on my with various weapons and poisons.

I hear a few more children cry and I look over at them. Most of them were little kids and there were only a few teens. All of the teens looked strong and brave with no tears. I met the eyes of a fifteen-year-old boy and he crawled closer to the bars, gripping them in his hands.

"Are you Alpha Bo's mate?" he asks, warily.

"Yes," I breathe, my heart clenching at thinking about her.

Who knew what Jack was going to do to her while I was down here.

"Trust her, she'll find a way to get us out of here, she always does," he says with a firm nod.

I hear some of her pack members murmur their agreement and I can't help the pride that invades me. My mate was very well respected, and trusted by her pack. That was something most alpha's, even I, struggle with. I only hope she's okay. I know she's strong, but how long can she last with whatever Jack has planned for her, and whatever it is, it has to be big.

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