#9: Library

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The door creaks open
Sunlight cuts through the dark
Whatever heat there was
Now sucked out
Sucked like a can in space
Space the abyss
Not space the gap

The dust unsettles
Or desettles dunno
Either way just shows
How untouched the books are

Yes, books
Most of them which lay unread
Some older than I
Some running out of time
Although they were great
While dwelling in their time

As the book catches your eye
You'll feel compelled to move
Compelled to forget all you had to say
Compelled to silence
Like that of the night that fades away
You'll pick the book and begin to read
You'll smile at the introduction
And it'll smile back at you

Line by line
You'll learn of the times
The times written of
In the book's lines

Second to Minute
Minute to Hour
You'll sit there
Oh this marvellous tower
You'll lift your gaze
But once from the book
The book which you first took

You'll put it away
Thanking it's completion
You'll consider to leave
But the light will shine
Revealing not one
But a sanctuary of books
Books with lines that'll pass time
This you will find
In the Sanctuary
Of Books and Time

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