Mom's Special Locket

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Daya's POV

I read the whole studyhall. We were aloud to talk, but none of my friends where in this class. I could hear Niall talking to one of his friends. I didn't listen to the exact words he was saying I just new it was Niall talking.


Everyone started to get up and head out the door. I closed my book and stood up. I walked out the door and remembered the room Niall told me was the room I went to next. When I walked in I noticed that there weren't any seats. I really do hope this was the right class. That would be so embaressing.

I walked over to the teacher, Mrs.Girmo.

"Uh, where should I sit." She looked around the room.

"Ah, yes. You may go and sit by Charolette." She said. I mentally groaned than walked over to her.

"Okay class, I'll be back in about 10 minutes. I have to go to Mr. Stern's room to collect papers." She walked out and the room stayed quiet.

"So Daya. Why don't you tell us where your from." Charolette spoke out loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"America." I simply stated.

Niall's POV

"Oh, where did you get that necklace." Charolette said while taking Daya's necklace

"My m-mom." Daya stuttered. Charolette ripped the necklace off of Daya's neck. You could tell that it hurt because Daya's hands went up to wrap around her neck and tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"Aw, did your mother hate you." Charolette asked in fake pity.


"Than why is this necklace so important to you? Can't she just go buy a new one?"

"No, s-she can't." Daya let one single tear fall.

"Did she leave you because you where to much to handle." Charolette said while still looking at the necklace with a smirk.

"She didn't leave on purpose."Daya said quietly.

"Than why'd she leave you?"

"That's enough Charolette." I spoke out, which made everyone shocked especially Louis. But the most shocked person seemed to be Daya.

"Oh, Niall I'm just getting started."

"So did your mom leave you or did she die?" Daya began full out crying.

"Charolette!" I exclaimed. Daya stood up and ran out of the classroom.

"What did she do to you?" I asked her.

"Why does there have to be a reason?"

"Because she did nothing to you." I stated.

"Niall, just sit down." Louis said quietly. I sat down and that's when Mrs.Girmo walked back in.

Daya's POV

I ran, I ran out of the school. It was hard enough for me already to get over my mother's dealth. But for Charolette to bring it up in the middle of class.

I kept running. I didn't even care that I didn't have the necklace annymore. I'll make sure to get it back tomorrow. If I feel like going tomorrow.

I miss America, back in Pennsylvania I never got bullied. Everyone was nice to each other. Sure, everyone new about my moms dealth before we left for the UK. But they didn't dare bring it up, because once again people where nice to each other.

I walked into our house and ran upto my room and let my tears fall. I laid in bed for awhile than the house phone rang. I got out of bed and walked to the phone.

"Hello?" I said once I picked it up.

"Hello, is Daya or Aiden there?" A women asked.

"Daya's speaking." I stated.

"Is your father, Randel Lynn?" She asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Well, he's been drinking and happened to get into a car crash. Do you have anyway of transportation to come to the hospital?" She asked. Wow of al things that could have happened today, this was it.

"No." I simply stated.

"Well, we'll keep helping your dad. Uhh, take care." She said before hanging up not giving me another chance to say anything.

I know how I said my dad doesn't really pay attention to us, but he's still my dad and I know that the man I once knew is still in there. I can't remember a time in which he ever ignored Aiden or I when mom was around. I don't even think he notices he's doing it when it happens. It always seems like he's in a fog.

*ding* *dong*

I walked over to the door and wiped my eyes before opening it.

And of course Niall was standing there with his hands in his pocket. I stepped outside and closed the door behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. You could just tell how weak I was from my voice.

"I came to give you this." He said before stuffing his hands in his pocket and pulling out my necklace. I snatched it from his hands.

"Thank you Niall. Why aren't you at school? It would only be forth period." I stated.

"We where let out because some kid set the round building on fire." He said with a chuckle.

"And one more question. How did you know where I lived?" I asked.

"Well between transitions between third and forth period I found your brother and asked him." He said as if it where casually everyday he did that.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. He slid one of his hands down my arms and grabbed my hand.

"Yeah I'm fine.-" As much as I wanted to stay here and hold hands I knew I would much rather go inside and cry. "-Maybe you should go." I said stepping back.

"Yeah, I guess I should."

"Ohh!" He said running over to his car and pulled out my bag and sweater. He ran back over and handed me my stuff.

"You forgot this when you ran out of school." He said.

"How did you get in my locker?" I asked surprised.

"You left it unlocked." He said with a shrug of the shoulders.

"May I get your number?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah." He handed me his phone and I pulled mine out of my back pocket and gave it to him.

Contact name: Daya;)

He took a picture but I wasn't really feeling it at the time. We swopped phones and he headed back to his car and I headed back in my house to sob.


Hey Lovelies,❁

I hope this is good!

God I hate, Charolette.





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