Late Runs to the Grocery Store

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**3 Months Later**

**13 days till Christmas**

**Now on Christmas break**

^^last day of school before break^^

Daya's POV

After school Niall took me to his house where we currently stand in his kitchen with Maura.

"So, Daya dear...what are your plans for Christmas?" Maura asked as she took frozen peas out of her fridge.

Let me explain what the peas are for... As Niall and I walked into his house Niall slipped on the frozen door step and he rammed his knee into the floor of his entrance way.

"I don't think I have specific plans, I may do something with my brother and dad." She handed me the peas and I place them on Niall's knee that lays across my lap as we sit at their island.

"Why don't you ask your brother and father to have dinner with us on Christmas Eve." Bobby, Niall's dad, suggested as he walked into the room.

He took one look at Niall and laughed.

"What did you do this time? Fall up the steps?" He joke. I laughed which caused Niall to run his hand over my head repeatedly to ruffle my hair.

"Practically." I said.

"No but seriously."

Niall's dad and my dad seemed to really like each other, and my brother already is friends with Niall. Which also saved Niall from having to go through the whole older brother will protect little sister speech.

"Time to eat everyone." Maura said.

Greg, Niall's brother, will be home with them in 3 days. Of course I've already met him...he showed me all of Niall's old baby pictures. He was so cute.

We walked into the dining room, well Niall hopped, and began to eat.


Niall drove me home. I walked up the steps and into the kitchen to see my dad standing there eating cold pizza.

"Hey dad!" I said as I grabbed a piece of pizza.


"The Horan's wanted to know if you, Aiden, and I would like to spend Christmas with them?" I asked.

"Oh I would love to go, but Aiden and I were planning on going back to America to visit your Aunt Edith."

"So you were going to go and just leave me here?" I asked with more than just a hint of anger.

"I was going to tell you." He tried to explain.

"Maybe I wanted to go, did you ever think of that?" I questioned.

"Aiden and I just kind of wanted to go alone." My heart sank.

"Ok, well thanks for leaving me out of Christmas...again." I said before storming up to my room.

Last Christmas my dad and Aiden went to a hockey game.

The year before we were still getting over mom's death and they left me at the house while they went and visited the grave.

I got up off of my bed and decided to go for a little walk to the market.

Wiped my tear stained face and through on a jacket, then headed out without even saying anything. Sound familiar?


I walked in and around for a while. There wasn't really anything in particular I wanted to get. I grabbed a book off of a shelf and decided on getting myself a little something for the holidays.

As I was heading to the counter my name was called from across the store. I turned my head to see none other than Niall.

I walked over to him slowly.

"Hi." I say when I get over to him.

"What are you doing here this late?" He asked.

"Just needed to think."

"About?" He urged.

"Nothing." He wrapped his arms around my body and instantly made me feel better. We pulled apart slightly...just enough that we could see each others faces. And his face wore a frown as he saw my expression.

"Have you been crying?" He asked and ran his thumb across my cheek.

"A little." I say.


"I'll tell you after we check out." I state.

I paid for my book than we headed outside and sat down on a park bench.

"Well, Aiden and my dad are going back to America and they didn't even bother to tell me. If I would have known they were going back to America sooner I would have asked if I could go and see all of my old friends." It was kind of awkward to tell him because it sounded like I didn't want to spend the holidays with him.

"Did you tell your dad?" He asked.

"No, he already made the plans." I shrug.

"Than I guess your stuck with me." He joked while poking my cheek.

"I guess I am." I laughed.

"Come on." He stood up and grabbed my hand "helping me up"

I started walking in the other direction of which I came in, before Niall's hand grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"What in the hell are you doing?" He asked.

"Going back to my house." I answered simply.

"I'll drive you." He said motioning to his car.

"You don't have to do that."

"As your boyfriend, I think I do."


I walked through my front door for the second time that night.

As I entered my room I saw Ebony laying on my bed, like always.

I got ready for bed and started reading the new book I had bought for myself.

I woke up as I heard a car door slam loudly. Then once again another one slammed loudly.

I jolted out of bed and ran to the window. I saw my dad and brother packing things into the car before the car pulled out of the drive way and onto the road.

So I guess they're leaving today?

Now that I'm up I might as well do some Christmas shopping.

But first...let me get some breakfast!

I headed downstairs and into the kitchen, the very first thing that caught my eye wasn't food, but a red and green envelope sitting on the counter with my name on it.

As I opened it I noticed that I could really go for a pop tart today. Inside the envelope was $2,500 and a note that read...

To Daya,

Sorry we once again didn't tell you our plans for Christmas.

But we're leaving you with the house for 17 days so I decided to leave you some spending money and emergency money.

Sorry Daya,

Merry Christmas,

Love, Dad and Aiden.


Hey Everyone,

Yay another chapter done,

Now I don't know where you live but here in America it's no where near Christmas anymore,

So just imagine...





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