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„So Calum...," Luke started talking, „I wanted to talk to you about something."

Calum looked up from his book and indicated him to go on.

„I know I don't know everything that's been going on with you and your family," Luke said slowly, "And you don't have to tell me everything. But I know you're not happy."

Calums face fell and he went rigid.

"I don't know what you are talking about," his voice sounded shallow.

„I know your parents are putting you under a lot of pressure and they shouldn't do that. I also know about the abuse," he added, "I know you well and I see you are suffering. I love you, like, I really do. You are so important to me that your parents actions hurt me too. And I don't want that. For neither of us.".

Calum looked back at Luke, who was looking down. Flashbacks were appearing in the blonde boys head.

It had been a long day for Luke. Morning classes were exhausting, followed by three essays he had to finish because they were due the next day. Then more training for the Tournament was squeezed into his schedule, after that he had raced to the quidditch field to see some of Calums practice. When his eyelids dropped while he was sitting on the bleachers, he had decided to pay his grandma a long overdue visit.

Luke sat on the sofa in the small living room of McGonagall's apartment in the back of the headmaster's office.

Luke's head was resting on her shoulder while he held a mug of steaming tea close to chest and the two of them talked about everything and nothing.

Lukes phone went off, telling him he got a new message. At first he ignored it but when McGonagall got up to check on the fresh bread she was baking for dinner, he picked up his phone and unlocked it, seeing a text from Calum.

CalBabe <3

Hey Lukey, I am sorry I wasted your time. My parents sent me another letter and it finally made me realise what I always knew deep down: that I am not worth your time or worthy of anything, for that matter. I don't know why it took me so long to realize that I don't deserve you, and you sure as hell deserve better than me, and I think we should break up. I don't want to waste your time any longer bc you are an amazing person and I am just some stupid good for nothing kid... I bet you just dated me bc you felt sorry for me, didn't you? Anyways you are free now. I love you and I want you to be happy.

Luke gasped and clicked on the little phone item next to Calums name. Calum picked up after the third ring.

'Calum? Calum where are you?'

'W-why are you c-calling? I thought I was pret-ty c-clear!'

'Fuck Cal what are you talking about, where the fuck are you? I won't let you break up with me without fighting for you!'

'Don't say that! How dare you say that?? I don't deserve you. I deserve nothing but to die...'

'Calum Hood! You listen to me! You are coming to the me RIGHT NOW or I will come and find you!'

'You don't even know where I am... and you don't actually give a shit because nobody does, so joke's on you...'

'Calum I fucking give a shit! After all I am your boyfriend and I love you so much! Please come here!'

'Y-you love me?'

'I - ... Of course I do.. more than my own life..'

'But-but how... I don't understand..'

'Come here Calum. Please. Come home..'

'I.. Luke, I love you too.. that's why I can't come back, I am dragging you down..'

'You're not, babe. Where are you?'

'A-at t-the l-leak in t-the f-forest.'

'What are you thinking Calum? You could die there, it's fucking dangerous! Holy shit it is called the forbidden forest for a reason!!'

Luke was yelling into the speaker

'Maybe that's what I wanted, to disappear and die...'

Lukes face fell and fresh tears began to build up in his eyes.

'Please don't ever say that again. And please don't think about killing yourself ever again. I love you Calum and loosing you would be like losing my live. Please, Calum,promise you will get better! Promise me that we will grow old together, please! I need you to survive...'

'I will try, but I can't promise you anything, Lukey, I am sorry. You know I can't, it's not that simple..'

'It's okay, babe. I know that. I will be waiting for you right here, okay?'

'Okay, I'll be on my way. Thank you...'

'Be careful okay?'

After Luke hung up, he let out a shaky breath and buried his face in his hands.

„So I was thinking you could come and celebrate christmas with me instead," Luke finally said.

„What?," Calum asked shocked.

„Yes. I mean, you will get hurt if you go back now, Calum, we both know that much," he explained.

„But... but it is my home," Calum whispered.

„Yes, I know that as well... But, to be honest, I don't know how you found it in yourself to go back there every holiday," Luke mumbled.

„My sister," Calum mumbled.

„Mali?," Luke asked, "but she moved out last summer.."

First tears fell on Calums cheeks. "She'll come back for me. She promised."

Luke swallowed past the lump in his throat and intertwined his fingers with Calums.

„Do you want to go back home for christmas break? I really respect your decision it's just... are you sure you want to go back there?"

After a while, Calum softly shook his head, tears still running down his face.

„Okay it's settled then. You are not going back home," Luke said sternly.

„But my dad will be furious. He will come for me. And I have no other place to live," Calum sobbed.

„Don't worry about that, we will figure something out," Luke said softly, "You know this, but, granny couldn't always be there for me so I grew up in an orphanage. I am sure you can live there with me, and when we turn 17 we can get a place of our own together.." Calum looked up at that, still crying but a small smile on his face.

„I'd love that," he whispered.

Luke smiled. He brought up a hand to touch Calums cheek.

„Stop crying, please," Luke mumbled and wiped away the tear stains on Calums face.

He pecked Calum's lips and wrapped his arms around Calum, he returning the hug.

„It's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay, as long as we got each other. I love you," Luke whispered.

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