Chapter 10 ~ Astray.

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Serena shot up from her bed, sweat streaming down her forehead like bullets. She leaned over, and checked her feet, and to her surprise, no cake. She got out of bed, her eyes gazing upon the hotel carpet- no cake. No cake.

No cake.

Serena sighed in relief, placing her hand over her chest. "It was just a dream." She mutters inaudibly. "It was...just...a dream."

"A dream?" A voice booms from inside Serena's mind. "Or a nightmare?"

"Get out of my head, Red!" She says in panic. "L-Let me go!" The whispers were thunderous, the screeching was ear-piercing. She whimpered as the voices became lusty, forceful, as if millions of daggers were to stab her ears.

She weeped pain, it was all over. She curled herself in a ball, praying to Arceus that this whole madness, would just stop. She wanted it gone. She wanted Red gone. She doesn't want Red to interfere with her anymore.

Yet, it was Serena's fault.
She let him in.
She did this to herself.
She knew the consequences.
She was in misery.

Ash woke up from Serena's weeping, he rushed over to comfort his girlfriend as immediate as he can.

"Serena." He says in a soothing tone. No answer. He tries again.

"Sensei. What happened? Are you alright?" Again, no answer.

At this point, As was beyond irritated. He furiously shook Serena, hoping to get something out of her. "Serena!" His voice boomed. "Please, answer me!" He pleads.

Serena shot her head up from her knees, giving Ash her best apologetic look. She gave him a real, warm, beaming, smile. One that'll light every room.

"I'm okay, Ash." She whispers. "I'm okay."

Ash sighed, bringing her into a hug which one can suffocate. "Don't scare me like that." He says. "Ever again."

Serena nods. "Okay, I won't. But I can't make any promises." She says, mumbling her last sentence.

"What was that?" Ash asks, unable to make out the last part.

Serena smiles innocently, as she began to wipe her tears away. "I love you."

Ash smirks, stroking her honey-blonde hair. "I love you too." He replies. "C'mon. Go take a shower."

Serena puts on her best offended face. "What?" She asks. "Are you saying that I smell?"

Ash chuckles nervously. "Uh. Ha, n-no!" He stutters.

Serena playfully rolls her eyes, lightly punching Ash's shoulder. "Well." She began. "I'm going out, y'know, for a walk."

Ash shot up from his seat, a grin plastered on his face. "I can go!" He exclaims.

Serena gestured him to stay seated, as she snatched her phone, and key card from her bed. "I'd rather be alone for this one, Ash."

Ash's grin immediately fell. "Oh." He plainly says. "Be safe, okay? Be back soon! Umm, I'll miss you so very much. Like sooo mu-"

"Ash!" Serena giggles, cutting the raven-haired boy off. "I'll be fine. I have my phone."

Ash nods, sighing in relief. "Just be back in time for breakfast." He says, flashing her a bright smile.

Serena nods. "OKAY, mom!" And with that, she scurried out the door.

 "OKAY, mom!" And with that, she scurried out the door

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