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Serenity's Pov

It was a cold winter morning and I felt chills as soon as I took of my blanket. I soon put the heater on and stayed close to it for a while till I am warm enough to do something. I soon changed into some warm clothes and headed to high school on foot.

*time skip to at school*

I headed to my locker and grabbed some things I needed from my locker until suddenly.

" Hey Serenity what you up to," Mike, my lazy brother, said leaning on the locker next to mine with a big heart warming smile. "Nothing just the usual," I said plainly. "Well some new kids are coming to this school I wanted to know if you wanted to meet them," he said with excitement. "Sure why not," I said with excitement as well. We talked about how the new kids will be like and maybe I can make some new friends.

Mike's Pov
I hope Serenity makes some friends cause I can't be taking care of her all the time. Also she has this problem of
being extremely sad and over react to the little things in life. I am always by her side I can't really never leave her alone cause of this problem she has. Soon we see the new students I'm supposed to show around.
"Hi are you guys new?" I said just to make sure I don't embarrass myself.
"Oh ya we are," said a boy with blonde hair and orange red eyes.
"Well I my name is Mike and this my sister Serenity," I said and ended it with a smile.
"Hi," Serenity says in her happy voice.
The soon all introduced themselves and started the tour. As soon as we finished Serenity invited them for lunch they all agreed and went off to our first period.

Caleb's pov
I sat next to Serenity since she was all alone and I wanted to be friends with her. I loved how her blue hair matches with her blue green-eyes they seem so magical that they can take you to a fantasy land with one look. I must of been starting at her for a little to long cause she soon noticed me. "Are you ok?" She says as she has a very questioning and frighten look on her face. "Oh no sorry I was daydreaming sorry if I scared you," I said trying not to make it to awkward than it already is. "Um ok then," she went back to drawing. I sighed I wonder if she will ever like a guy like me or she likes someone else.

Travis pov
I saw the boy I met earlier I think his name was...Mike ya definitely Mike. 'Why don't I sit next to him maybe I can make a be friend' I thought to myself. So I sat next to him. "Oh hey your name is Travis right?" Said Mike. "Yup the one and only," I said with a smile at the end. "Cool," Mike said happily and started to draw on his notebook. I looked over his shoulder and saw he was drawing a guy with a flower behind his back and a girl who looked surprised and was blushing right in front of him. It was weird on why he drew that but I diced not to question him cause it's none of my business. After a few minutes Valero sat right next to me. 'God I wish she didn't had a boyfriend,' I said to myself. Um I bet you are wondering what I am talking about here I'll explain. So it was middle school seventh grade and Valero had a crush on a boy for a long time already. "You should go tell him how you feel," I said trying not to make it obvious that I was upset. "B-but what if he doesn't like me back," Valery said as she looked down. I lifted her head to face me and said," if he doesn't love you there are other people out there who will and take this chance," I said and it helped me get over my sadness for a while. After a while she came back hugging me happily and thanking me that I helped her gain some confidence. I was happy until I went home I cried I knew I shouldn't have let her go, but maybe she will be happier without me. Well all I knew at that time is that I want to be alone.
Valery pov
I saw my best friend Travis I was so happy I wasn't alone. I don't know why but Travis hasn't talked to me much and when we did it will mostly how great my boyfriend is. I wish he will tell why he is upset. I soon sat down next to him and we talked about the school and other things then... "So... what happened with you and your bf," Travis said slightly sad maybe something sad happened today I don't know. "Well we are talking less and he is hanging out with his friends more than me but I guess it will get fixed soon," I said kinda scared for sec. I still wonder every night in my bedroom if he still loves me...does he. It was soon nutrition and I went to the lockers and saw a note it was from Jack.
It read:
Dear Valery,
I don't think we should be together anymore I'm sorry. I can't talk to you face to face cause of problems... so I hope you find someone new


I ran with tears to Travis. "What's wrong Val," he said in a worried voice. I looked at the note and back then gave it  the note to him. When he finished reading it he was angry and disappointed. I wiped my tears away. "Hey it's ok let's get  food and not think about it," he says with a smile. I smile as well and giggled when he said food he is always hungry.

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