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Finally school was over and homework was done. I was so ecstatic that I was going to battle Gabby and Laurence. I soon started to prepare the snacks. Rick soon appears behind me and kissed my cheek. I blushed even if he did this once a day I still couldn't get used to it. Rick chuckles and soon drops his bag on the couch. I sighed a bit and soon left the snacks on the table. I then head to the self were all the video games are.

"Hey Rick which one should we play?" I say looking at all the games we had. "We can play Splatoon and the sword fighting game," he said sleepily.

I smiled and grabbed the games and placed them on top of the counsel.

I was sleeping soundly in my room. Today was somewhat tiring so I decided to take a quick nap. I guess Gabby wanted some attention on her so she thru me off the couch. She then hugged me on the floor.

"Gabby why you do that?" I said as I rubbed my eyes.
"We are going to battle Leona and Rick I also wanted cuddles," she says as she kissed my cheek.
I sighed and started to run my fingers thru her hair. She soon got up and made some food for us. Oh thanks Gabby. She smiled and blushed. I smiled back and we ate some lunch.

It was time to go to the fire hall. We then knocked on their door. I see Rick was kinda sleepy as well. I chuckled a bit at how we were both so tired. We all then headed to the couch. First up me vs Leona.

-um...don't know what to call this but let's see what Serenity and Sky are up to..-

I grabbed my bag and headed to the oak tree. The wind blew my hair on my face which was annoying. I ignored it and started to think why Sky called me. I thought of the many scenarios of what could happened. 'Did he really love me? Why does he love me?' I thought to myself as I kept walking to the tree. Soon I didn't look at where I was going and bumped into someone. I then opened my eyes to see Sky hugging me so I won't fall. I blushed at his actions and left his grasp.

"Opps sorry about that," I say rubbing the back of my neck.
He chuckled a bit," Its ok don't worry about it."
I felt my cheeks burning," U..um ok then so what did you wanted to tell me?"

He then grabbed my hands and took a deep breath. He soon looked at me straight in the eyes. I was shaking as I didn't know how to respond in this situation.

I was going to tell her my love for her again..and I don't care if she doesn't accept at least I can say I tried.

"Look Serenity you have been by my side for a long time and I wanted to say t...that...I-I love you!" I say shouting the last part and closing my eyes. I looked at the floor I was to scared to look at her. I was scared at what her response will be. She then hugged me.

"I love you too..." she said as she soon kissed me. I kissed back and soon let go. I can't explain how happy I am. I will still have a scar on my heart cause Cancer loved her too. I hope he can find someone to love.


I hope you guys like this chapter. Also I'm sorry for all of those Cancer x Pisces fans. It was originally gonna do that but couldn't help myself. But hope you guys continue to read this book.


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