The Date (4)

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Gabby's pov
I was exited but only my sister knew. It's hard to tell my expression I don't know why but meh I don't care. I head to my house and looked thru my closet to find a dress or at least some good clothes. 'Ugh of course I don't know what to wear' I said to myself. "Mari come help me!" I shouted. Soon my sister came rolling her eyes at me. She then grabbed a black shirt, a pair jeans and a black sweater. "Go take a shower and change in 30 min then I'll come back and do your hair," she said as she goes to the kitchen. This is why I need my sis.
-------------time skip 30 min~~~~~~~~
I was waiting in the bathroom for my sister to do my hair. She finally comes and curls my hair. It was so pretty I almost squealed which is somehow a big thing for me. Then she told me Laurence was already here. My heart started to race and my hands started to get sweaty. I was so nervous but was able to grab my confidence and head outside. When I open the door I see Lib with his dorky smile. I smiled as well and then he grabbed my hand and we rubbed to the car. I bet I was blushing tomato red at that point. We then get into the car and head to a cafe that was down the street from our school which was far. As we arrived I can smell the coffee and all the cakes.

Laurence pov
As we sat down I already Oder something for us. We just talked about dumb, stupid things about what has been going on. Soon the waiter came but she was different she had blue hair and sea blue eyes. Kinda like Serenity.
"Here you go hope you enjoy," she says with a smile. Then I started to feel like I was being watched. "Do you feel like we are being watched?" "Ya weird at least I'm not alone," she says taking a sip of her drink.
~~~time skip~~~
I diced to take her to the park and we can have a nice stroll. While walking we were splashed by water. We then turned around to see something holding a bucket and hiding in the bushes. "What the heck is going on?!" Gabby roared clearly annoyed.
Leo's pov
I looked at Travis clearly full of anger. "Why was there water in the bucket there was supposed to be rose petals."
"But they were a second ago" "ugh we have to try plan B" "what's that?" Travis said. I thought for a while on what we can do to help them get together. I diced that they should help Laurence confess his love. So me and Travis thought of this crazy love poem and that it should work. We thru it to Laurence and he opened it. He had a confused look but read it out loud.
"Dear Gabby,
I love you and wish I can date you. I also hoe we can have pup- babies?" Laurence said of course I forgot to write it myself sconce Travis writing is so hard to read. I mentally faced plan and saw that Gabby had a very confused look on her face. Then Travis popped up and read the whole thing. We Travis read it it sounded really creepy. Then I knew we were in trouble cause Laurence was able to find me. He looked angry at the point were he can kill me and have no regrets that he did that. It was scary.
----now to see Alex and Chris's date----

Chris's pov
I got ready for my date. I was kinda worrying why would he ask me out in the first place but I accepted it cause I like him. It sounds stupid but at this point I don't care. I then hear a knock on my door. I looked at the mirror once more and then headed to the front door and open it. I then see Alex dressed up with some jeans and his signature red sweater. "So your ready" "y-yes I am," I said stuttering. 'Why did I stutter he may not like you after that meh' I screamed to myself internally.
~~~~~~time skip to the date ~~~~~~
We arrived at a fancy restaurant which was very elegant. As we took our sets the waiter came and took our Oder. She then left a note on the table that was meant for Alex. I diced to leave it alone since it's none of my business.i then look at his face and he looked worried,angry and confused all in one. I wonder why. The rest of the time we talked but he never really payed attention to me which was annoying quite a bit. Suddenly rose petals rained down on us. I looked around to see Mike and Rick throwing flower petals at us. I then looked at Alex who had his face in his hands. Then the screamed that Alex liked me. I was a blushing madness while Alex was blushing but full of rage.
Alex's pov
I will get pay back. I paid for our food and grabbed Chris and headed outside letting Rick and Mike get in trouble. We where them talking to each other outside of the restaurant. Soon Mike just had to push me into Chris. Which ended up us kissing and Chris getting hurt. I got up and immediately check if he is ok. "I'm fine don't worry" "how am I not supposed to be worried you hit the cement," I said hugging him. We then headed to his house and watched some tv. It was already late and I had to head home so I kissed Chris goodbye. Today I was the best day of my life even if Rick and Mike tried to ruin it.
Well hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I'll upload the next one later today.  :3

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