The Employer: Shadow

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When Brie came with the news of a new employer I was shocked. She told me he knew my name along with saying that he was an old friend. It seemed like the worst kind of trap but it was my duty to the League to check out the job. There hadn't been a lot of jobs lately meaning that the League was in dire need of funding. But I still couldn't get over the fact that this man knew my name and was someone I had met.
I was dressed in my normal Assassin gear and my hair was in a braid that went to the midsection of my back. I had draped my bow over my shoulder and my quiver on my back. I had a total of twenty-three red tipped, black arrows. My hood covered my face from view although I didn't really need it. Because of training purpose I brought along two Apprentices Brie and Danica, who was still red faced from our earlier encounter. Newbies. They were dressed in the same dark outfits as me and carried two long silver swords each. Although Danica was the Poison Apprentice and Brie was the Katana Apprentice. The other Apprentices were off training with their masters. I still need to choose my Apprentice from the Apprentices. My favorite was probably Sidney Queen, she reminded me of Ali. Although she was a few years older.
"Be careful. We don't know who this man is exactly, or if he's dangerous so be extremely careful," I warn them. Brie nods and Danica almost drops her weapon at my voice. Pick up your damn weapon, it's not a rug. She clambers to pick it up and Brie tries not to laugh.
"Brie where did this man say to meet him?" I ask in a strong, commanding voice.
"At the cafe downtown. He said he'd be there today," she recalls. What are the odds it's him? It won't be I know it. He's probably long gone by now.
"Okay than let's go get this thing over with."

After a long trek down the treacherous path to town, we finally reach town. I just then realize the new sign with the new name of the city: Ardenvale. That's an interesting name. As though the ground was quicksand we set a pace fast enough to reach the next town within twenty minutes. It was five miles away. My feet seem to have a mind of their own, not wanting to slow down. We reach the cafe in minutes. I peer in checking around. I don't see the bastard. Thank god he's not here. Brie motions that he's not yet here. A waitress offers us a table, but Danica scares her off with a snarl. Just because you look like a dog doesn't mean you have to act like it. I shoot her a disapproving look at could send chills down someone's back. She takes a step back. I feel my bow start to grow heavy on my back and I let lose a small groan. At least he could've been punctual. Lesson two, never be late. Being late could result in the death of a fellow member or  innocent person.
I walk to the counter and get the same latte I had the seven months before. At least the waitress was different. Her hair was red. Not like a ginger red but an actual crimson red that faded to a black. I totally envied her. She must have also wore contacts because her eyes were unnaturally silver. I loved the look, don't get me wrong. I'm not lesbian but I would totally love to get to know this girl. Although my calling was against it.
By the time my drink arrives Brie and Danica had taken a seat with a taller boy who looked oddly familiar from behind. I walk over to take a seat at the table.
"Hey asshat, maybe don't make a person who could kill you annoyed at your punctually," I say standing behind him. I nearly die when I hear his response.
"Hey. It's Mister Pretty Boy remember."

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