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"Should I stay or should I go?"

Eleven woke up in the Avenger's Institute, 6 months after the events of Sokovia. She ran around the complex, trying to find Pietro. She ran into his room, grinning widely.

"Pietro look!" She squealed, running to hug him. But, she just went through him. The smile instantly dropped from her face, sadness filling her.

"Pietro?" She asked, reaching out to him. But it was like she wasn't there.

After her horrific discovery, Eleven stayed in the complex, trying to make them see here. One night, she sat by the window, watching the New York skyline. She was shocked, when Vision joined her, muttering to himself.

"I wish I knew what this was." He muttered, before falling silent. Ella perked up the moment she heard those words. That's what she could do, she'd find out about the infinity stones. And with that, she flew off into the night sky, searching for answers.

After a year of searching, Ella found herself in Kathmandu, Nepal. She had heard whispers of Kamar-Taj, a place of healing and knowledge. She floated through the doors, looking around at the people wearing robs. She felt a little out of place with her bloody pink dress and dirty jean jacket. She headed to where she thought a library would be when she felt a hand on her back. Ella instantly backed away, trying to make herself a small as possible and closing her eyes. The person retracted their hand and began speaking in calming tones.

"Hello," They said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. What's your name?" Ella looked at their eyes, trying to see if they were trust worthy. The person's eyes were kind, yet old. Their eyes told many stories, both good and bad.

"Eleven," She whispered, opening her eyes. The person talking to her was a woman wearing cream coloured robes with a bald head. Ella reached up to touch her own head, feeling the bristles of her head.

"I'm the Ancient One," The Ancient One pointed to herself, moving closer to Ella. "Why are you here, Eleven?"

"Infinity stones," The Ancient One realised that Eleven spoke in short sentences, but the mention of the infinity stones shocked her. How could a young girl know about the infinity stones?

"How do you know about the infinity stones?" Ella looked at her hands, thinking of ways to explain.

"My friend has one," She pointed to her forehead, "In here." The Ancient One was shocked again by the mention of someone being alive with an infinity stone in their forehead.

"Can I meet your friend?" Ella shook her head.

"He can't see me."

"Where's your physical form?"

"I don't know," The Ancient One was confused by the young girl, who seemed to only exist in the astral dimension.

"You can live here, in Kamar-Taj, if you like Eleven." She decided, wanting to study the girl a little closer. "We have some books in the library that might interest you." The Ancient One went back into her physical form before walking towards the library.

"It's this way, Eleven." Ella smiled before floating after the Ancient One. Finally someone could see her.

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