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"My ghost where'd you go?"

Pietro sat on the window seat, watching the outside world. He knew in the back of his mind that he probably should have stayed with Steve, he could have helped him more if he did, but something didn't feel right. He pulled out the piece of paper that he had discovered earlier that morning. Someone had placed it there, but it didn't match anyone in the institute's handwriting. Deep inside, Pietro wished it was Eleven. He knew that it was stupid and that she wasn't coming back, but he hoped that he had done enough favours for the universe for this to be a clue. A clue to where Eleven was hiding.

"Vision?" He called to the synthezoid in the kitchen. "Do you know whose handwriting this is?" He sped over, holding out the piece of paper.

Vision looked down at it.

"No, I do not Pietro. Why? Did you get this at the funeral?" The droid asked, studying the paper.

"No, I found it in my room." He paused, wondering if he might regret his next sentence. "I think it's a message."

"I think it's from Eleven."

"Denial is a normal sign of grieving, Pietro. I miss her too, however, we both know that she died in Sokovia." Vision replied, giving the paper back. "It is a nice thought, having her go off on adventures."

Pietro let out an angry sigh, clenching his fist.

Pietro let out an angry sigh, clenching his fist

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"I'm not imagining things Vision. And I'm not in denial, either. I don't know why I asked you, you're a robot, you wouldn't understand."

"I am a synthezoid, Pietro, but that does not mean I do not understand your pain. I had to let her go too, we all did."

Pietro was about to retort when Wanda walked into the room. The pair fell silent, looking to Wanda.

"What is it?" She asked when a noise rang throughout the Institute.

"Stay here, please." Vision said. Pietro stood closer to Wanda, ready to fight. They stood in darkness together, when someone came into the room. Wanda flung a knife towards their forehead when they pair discovered it was Clint.

 Wanda flung a knife towards their forehead when they pair discovered it was Clint

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"Guess I should have knocked." He said, pushing the knife to the side.

"Oh my god. - What are you doing here?" Wanda asked, walking forward.

"Disappointing my kids," Clint replied, shooting an arrow. "We're supposed to go water skiing. Cap needs our help, come on." He shot another arrow.

"Clint! You should not be here." Vision said, standing behind them.

"Really? I retired for, what, like 5 minutes? And it all goes to shit." Clint asked.

"Please consider the consequences of your actions." Vision said, walking forward. Suddenly, an electric barrier appeared, trapping Vision in it.

"Okay, they're considered." Clint quipped, turning to Wanda and Pietro. "Okay, we got to go. It's this way."

"I've caused enough problems," Wanda said staying put.

"You gotta help me, Wanda, Pietro. ...you can go to high school. You want to make amends. You get off your ass."

Vision broke through the barrier and Clint turned to fight him, turning the bow into a baton. He went to hit Vision with it, but it just passed through him. Vision grabbed his arm, so Clint started to punch him, but it didn't do anything. He grabbed the baton again, swiping it at Vision's face, but it broke in half.

"Shit. I know I should have stretched." Clint muttered when Vision grabbed him in a headlock.

"Clint, you can't overpower me." Vision said, holding his neck.

"I know I can't. But, they can." Clint pointed to Wanda and Pietro, who stood prepared.

"Vision. That's enough, let him go. We're leaving." Wanda demanded. Pietro didn't want to hurt Vision. He knew that there was some sort of connection between Eleven and Vision and he didn't want to hurt her.

"I can't let you."

"I'm sorry

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"I'm sorry."

Wanda conjured a ball of her red magic and pulled her hands apart, spreading Visions particles. Clint dropped to the floor, safe. Wanda then increased Vision's particles, sending him to the floor.

"If you do this, they will never stop being afraid of you." Vision pleaded.

"I can't control their fear, only my own," Wanda replied, and Vision fell through the multiple layers of the Institute.

"Oh... Come on. We got one more stop." Clint turned to walk away, Wanda following.

"Pietro, come on." She said, looking back at her brother who stood in his place.

"No," Pietro said, "I'm sorry Clint, but I can't go with you." He paused, preparing himself for the outburst that was going to come. "Eleven is still out there, I need to find her."

"Pietro, Eleven is dead!" Clint cried, "We carried her body out of Sokovia, she's dead!" Pietro flinched at his words.

"She's not dead, I know she's not." He reached into his pocket, pulling out the slip of paper. "Look at this, she left it for me. It's a clue and I need to find her. Wanda's confined to the compound, I don't think that they will treat Eleven any better." He looked up at the pair, tears glistening in his eyes.

"Okay... okay." Clint breathed. "I'll tell Steve you're out, he'll understand."

Wanda walked over to Pietro, giving her older brother a hug.

"You'll find her, don't worry." She whispered, letting him go.

"Be safe," Pietro waved the pair off. "And kick their asses."

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