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"I can't help this awful energy"

The ambulance soon arrived for Rhodey, taking Tony, Vision, and Peter with it. Natasha and T'Challa had disappeared after the fight ended. As soon as they left, the soldiers came. Pietro turned to Ella, worried as the men began to attack the once heroes.

"Disappear, Ella." He whispered, shaking her slightly. "Get away from here."

"No," Ella's eyes opened, and looked at Pietro, confused. "I can't leave you, not again."

"Steve and Bucky still need your help," Pietro kissed the top of her head. "Now go."

The soldiers began to attack Pietro as Ella disappeared from his view. He didn't fight them; instead, he allowed them to place the handcuffs on his wrists. He was content, knowing that Ella would be safe.

Ella watched as the soldiers began to attack Wanda. Wanda was screaming and using her powers, throwing herself against the soldiers in an attempt to get away. The soldiers fought back, using Tasers to shock her into submission. But Wanda continued to fight; she was not going down without a fight.

Pietro looked over as the soldiers shocked Wanda.

"Wanda!" He yelled, throwing himself against the soldiers, trying to get to his sister.

"Pietro!" Wanda screamed back, trying harder and harder to get to him. Then the Tasers returned, and the twins dropped to the ground, convulsing in pain. Tears began to stream down Ella's face as she watched her friends in pain. She was powerless to help them.

Even with the pain, the twins tried to get to each other. Suddenly, the soldiers struck out with batons, knocking them clean out. Ella cried out as she watched their blood spill onto the concrete.

The forced straight-jackets onto Pietro and Wanda and clasped an electric collar around their necks. Ella watched with tears in her eyes, hoping that Tony had no idea that is was happening, that he didn't let this happen to them.

One by one, the heroes were stuck by the batons, and they were dragged into the black truck from which the soldiers came. Ella snuck into the back of the truck, surrounded by her unconscious friends, her eyes focused on the deserted airport.

The bloodstains were the only reminder that any fight occurred at all.

Ella snuck silently around the prison as they arrived. As she much as she wanted to attack the guards and free her friends, Ella no longer possessed the same strength she once did. So, she was forced to watch as the guards mistreated her friends, dragging them carelessly through the prison and throwing them into their cells.

Wanda was the first wake, followed soon after by Pietro. They screamed about their mistreatment. They rioted and threw themselves against their cells walls. They yelled at the top of their lungs about their rights and their freedoms.

But every move, every scream, every sound that they did was seen as a threat. The soldiers tortured them with electricity, shocking them for every move they made.

And eventually, the pain was too much and the fear was overwhelming. Wanda and Pietro were left, sitting in the corners of their cells, silent. They didn't dare move or make a sound; the fear of being shocked was too great. Ella stayed next to Pietro, sitting next to him even though she knew that he had no idea she was there.

Clint, Sam, and Scott were all awakened by their screams. After watching what was happening to the twins, they decided that staying silent, unresponsive was the best option.

They stayed like that, for hours on end, until Tony Stark arrived. Each prisoner had a bone to pick with Tony, and Clint, Sam and, Scott immediately stood, pretending like they hadn't been knocked out and tortured with each other's scream for hours.

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