Chapter Forty-Six: Sweet Little Boy

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Shane's POV

I woke up to Rylee shaking me.

"Daddy?" He whispers, still shaking me. I turned on my phone to look at the time.

"Ry-Ry? It's 4:30 in the morning? What do you want?"

"I don't feel good.." He said, with a sick raspy voice. I got up and picked him up.

"What doesn't feel good?" I asked as I layed him into his bed.

"My tummy and my head.."

"Like a headache or like you're stuffy?"

"Stuffy..." Rylee said as he sniffed.

"Well.. I'm going to get your medicine, but do you want a little secret?"

"What?" He asked.

"When I was little, my mommy would make this special soup. It was so good but she only made it when either me or your uncles were sick. I'm pretty sure I have the resipie somewhere, I'll find it, okay?" I was rubbing Rylee's head. He snuggled into my chest as he hugged me.

I left so I could go grab Rylee's medicine that he needs when he's sick. It helps with his Asthma.

"Okay Ry-Ry, here, open up!" I airplaned the medicine with the spoon into his mouth. The smiled. He loves the airplane.

"Thank you, Daddy!" I moved him over as I layed down with him.

"Tell me a story." He asked as he snuggled into me.

"About what?"

"When I was born!" He got exited.

"Well, it was a long process.. So it all started when I got hurt."

"Oh no! Were you okay?"

"Well I'm here, aren't I? So anyway when I was still hurt, Your dad and I kept on saying we wanted another baby, and at the time Shay was like 12. But two men can't have a baby together."

"Why not?" Oh shit.

"Um.. Well.. Because you need a girl! Like how the kids at school have a mommy and a daddy!"

"ooh.. K continue."

"Anyways. So we had to go to a doctor so we could find a woman that could have you. And only I can be used to have you. See that's why you are related to me. So you do have a mommy, but I don't think you'll ever meet her."

"But I have two daddies, that's good enough!" He rubbed his hand through my hair. 

"So it took 9 loonngg months to finally meet you, but in the process your Daddy and I got married!"


"Yeah! And a few months after that you were born! And I fell in love with you, you were so tiny and innocent. Shay came after with your Grandma! And she said that you looked just like me when I was born!"

"But I really look like you!" He said smiling.

"You sure do!" Rylee looked around his room. Looking down at him made me smile. I started playing with his long, curly red hair. 

Rylee is all me. He's adorable. He's super polite, loves to dance (Only to the music I like, how ironic!), and he LOVES to draw. He's only 4, but he has the mind of a 7 year old.

I love both of my kids with all my heart, and so does Ryland. And that's why we decided you know what, we are blessed with two amazing kids, we don't need another.

Oh, and I would like to thank my mom. For teaching me how to be an amazing father. Bless her heart.

I miss you.


Shaney Bird


Awe! That was cute!! BTW I'm going to be making the next few chapters dreams again, so shits gonna go down! Thank you guys for all the support! I really love this book and trust me, it's not ending soon! But I want to make a random Shane one, just about him.


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