Martha x Heather Duke-Spin the Bottle

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It was a regular party at Heather Chandler's house. Kurt and Ram secretly making out in her closet, Veronica and Heather McNamara making shots all wrong, Martha timidly standing by her friend. Then, Heather (C.) brought out the empty beer bottle.
"What is that?" Veronica questioned, her vision doubled. Heather M. laughed. "We're not seriously playing, are we?"
"Shut up, Heather!"
"Sorry, Heather."
Heather Chandler walked to the center of the room, scanning everyone, then crossed the remaining distance to the closet. Pulling open the door, she glanced disgustedly at Kurt and Ram. "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING CLOSET!"
Soon, everyone was crowded around the bottle, Veronica by Heather McNamara and Martha, Martha by Veronica and Ram, Ram by Kurt and Heather Duke, who was by Kurt and Chandler. They sat impatiently and anxiously as the bottle took its first spin.
"Martha and Heather." Chandler giggled wildly. Duke snorted in disgust. "No way!" she cried. Veronica shrugged, head swimming. "It's the rules. You gotta." Martha blushed, standing up. "It's only a kiss, Heather." She crossed the room to Duke, leaning down. She planted her lips on Heather's. Oddly, Heather kissed back, but only for an instant.
They parted, Martha smiling. "That wasn't so hard," she whispered. "Shut it, Dumptruck." But, Duke was blushing.

She would never admit it, but she had enjoyed that kiss.


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