Kram-Happy Ending

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What if Kurt and Ram never died? What if Chandler never died? What if JD never died?  What if JD wasn't insane?

What if everything could have a happy ending?


Kurt Kelly smiled as he walked towards Ram. He was standing on the, well, stage. They were getting married. And they decided to do it at the place they fell in love. Westerberg.

It was cheesy and a bit untraditional, but they both decided that it would be the best venue. After much pleading, Ram had agreed to wear a dress. It was a champagne pink dress with a sweetheart neckline and a mermaid bottom with glitter, and the outfit was completed with a veil the same color and design as the bottom of the dress.

A blushing mess, Kurt took his mothers arm, (his father didn't even show up to the wedding. He refused to.) and walked slowly down the isle. His mother kissed his cheek and went to take her place.

The groom's men were a couple of their fellow football players, and, surprisingly, JD. He and Veronica had already married and their first child was on the way. He smiled at Kurt. The quarterback smiled back.

The ceremony went by agonizingly slow, but every second was cherished by the two men. They finally said their "I dos". Their lips met, and, as usual, they melted into the soft kiss. Usually, their kisses were rushed or extremely passionate and sexual, but today, they were just full of love.

Kurt and Ram parted, surrounded by cheers. Heather Chandler was crying. They held their hands up, clasped together, in the air like they had just won a championship. But, this was much better.

After much drinking and dancing, the two headed off to their hotel room. Ram's mother had gotten them a suite to spend their night in. Mostly because she didn't want to have to listen to them banging in her house where they lived. Inside the hotel, it didn't take too much time to do just that.

Both boys were soon stripped to, well, nothing, sloppily kissing and touching at each other. Kurt was horny and soon had taken Ram in his mouth, running his tongue over the underside of his fully erect dick. His hands were roaming over the former linebacker's chest, and now that Ram had started working out daily with him, he knew that he would be dragging his teeth over his muscle-bound chest, nipping at the sensitive spot on his collarbone that got him whining like a dog.

They went on like this, Kurt sucking off Ram, his hands working at his chest, for a while before Ram begged for Kurt to fuck him.

They did just that.



Kurt's hands were shaking as he signed the adoption papers. Ram was crying a little. Both men had just passed the parental exam, and they were adopting a little girl, Forest. She was only six years old, with black hair and green eyes, hence her name. She had known Kurt since he started working at his day job, a daycare, so that he and Ram could move into a two bedroom apartment, one bedroom for Forest, of course.

The signature was sloppy and shaky, but it didn't matter. Kurt handed the papers to an official. Forest was now their little girl.

Ram practically jumped on Kurt, who buried his head into Ram's shoulder, taking in the scent of the Westerberg jacked he still wore. Just after the wedding, Veronica had given birth to a baby girl, Marie.

Not long after that, Duke and Martha had adopted twins of their own, Caleb and Ulysses, both boys.

And even Chandler had become a mother, single, but an amazing mother nonetheless. McNamara often came over to help, and Kurt could help but think that he wouldn't be surprised if they got together. Chandler's little girl, Penelope, was entering kindergarten this year.

Now, it was the Sweeney-Kelly's turn.


The end of a life well lived

Kurt Sweeney-Kelly had died at the age of 89, in his sleep, next to his beloved husband, Ram Sweeney-Kelly.

Ram Sweeney-Kelly died at the age of 91, two years later, peacefully, the same way his Kurt had. In the bed they shared.

The Sweeney-Kellys are buried together, where their love lives for an eternity.

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