Ghosts Haunt Veronica (Ram, Kurt, and Chandler) ANGST

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    Ram Sweeney sighed as he floated above Veronica Sawyer's bed. "Dude, seriously. You-well, your boyfriend killed me. It's the least you could do." Veronica sighed. Ram could pull this for literally an eternity. "So, what you're saying, is that you want me to set you up on a ghostly date with Kurt?" She paused. "And, it's my ex-boyfriend who killed you. Not that JD has come around much to tell me otherwise."
   Ram blushed. "Yeah, that's what I said!" He absentmindedly rubbed the gunshot wound on his throat, making Veronica cringe. "I dunno man, I mean..." she trailed off as Chandler floated through the door. "What the fuck is going on here? Kurt told me you won't let him in, like, he says it's super personal. I want in." She grinned and Veronica groaned. "I'm trying to SLEEP."
   "You killed us," Heather reminded her. "Now you pay the price." Her tongue was still stained blue from the Draino. "Look, it's ghost-date stuff. Ram, I told you, I'm not setting you up with Kurt, just ask him. Heather, what do you want?"
    Chandler snorted "Ram and Kurt? Please! It'll never work." She glanced at Ram as he floated out the door. Veronica tapped her fingers on her leg, annoyed. "It's 12 fucking am," she complained. "How long will this happen? I have a test tomorrow." Heather shrugged. "Maybe it'll all end tomorrow. Maybe it'll go on until you die and join us? Who knows!" She tugged at her red scrunchie.
     Veronica smiled lightly. No matter how annoyed she could get with these guys, she had to admit that she loved having them around. "You know what, Heather? Stay as long as you want. Ram and Kurt, too. I totally deserve this."
     Chandler laughed, her plaid skirt swaying. Blue liquid trickled from her lips. "You totally do, biotch." Veronica grinned. "If I could hug you, I would." Heather smiled sadly. "Hey, can you do me a favor?" she asked suddenly. Veronica nodded, confused.

"Tell Heather and Heather that I miss them." She bit her lip. "And that I'm sorry."

    Veronica gaped. "Chandler, the Mythic Bitch! Apologizing?" Heather tried to smack her arm, but her neatly manicured hand went right through. "And, Heather?" She raised her voice. "Ram? Kurt?" They poked their heads through the door.

"I'm sorry, too."

Kurt shrugged. "It's all cool," his voice was soft as he stared at the bullet wound on his chest. Ram smiled sympathetically. "If I could punch JD, I would. It's not your fault."
    Chandler was silent before wiping the Draino from her lips. "Look, Veronica. It's ok..." she looked down at her skirt. "I think that after everything, we at least understand why you did it."

Kurt and Ram nodded, and Veronica felt her heart break.


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