Veronica x McNamara (based on a headcanon I saw)

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It had been years since the murders of Westerberg, and Veronica was happily married to Heather McNamara. They had successfully adopted a little girl, and after a long discussion, they had named her Chandler.
When Chandler turned three, she began to tell Veronica about her "new friend".
"Did you meet them at school, honey?" Veronica asked, smiling. Chandler shook her head. "Nope. They live here!" Her chubby fingers spread wide, as if she was motioning to the whole house. "Here? What's their name?" Veronica asked politely. She knew that this was probably just some imaginary friend.
"Heather. The same as Mommy!" Veronica drew her brows together. "Really?" Chandler nodded. "She said her name was Heather. She always wears red, and," Chandler giggled, "she has a BLUE tongue!"
Veronica felt her heart stop. "Did she tell you anything else?" Chandler nodded. "I don't really know why, but she said to me, 'Tell Ronnie I said I forgive her.'." Chandler looked perplexed. "Mommy? Who's Ronnie? What did she do?"
"Nothing...well...nothing you need to know." Veronica smiled. "I'm going to go get Mommy, ok, Chandler? Can you tell her what you told me?" Chandler grinned. "Sure!"
Heather looked at Veronica. "A blue tongue? Always wearing red?" Chandler nodded. McNamara put her hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Did she tell you her full name?" she asked quietly. Chandler shook her head. "But, sometimes, she lets me braid her hair. It's blonde." She said that as if it were a secret, leaning in and whispering.
Veronica turned to Heather, and out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a flash of a red plaid skirt.
"She said she forgives me," she told Heather later that night. Veronica could feel tears forming in her eyes. Heather hugged her. "I can't believe it," she whispered. Suddenly, the door swung open, and there stood Chandler. "Mommy? Mom? Heather told me to give you this," she smiled, crossing the room.
In her pudgy fingers, was a red scrunchie.
"She also told me her last name. I asked," Chandler smiled. Heather leaned forward. "What is it?" The toddler looked past her, and as if she was getting an ok signal, she said, "Chandler. Like my name!"

Veronica swore she heard Heather Chandler laugh.


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