A Long Awaited Pt. 3

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Let's see who remembers what this is from.

Veronica Sawyer looked down at Chandler, then to Heather McNamara, who was staring in disbelief at Heather Chandler. "I'm so glad you can finally see us; we've been waiting so long for this." JD said quietly. Slowly, Veronica cupped the ghost's face. "I can touch you. I've- I thought I would never see you again."

Then, to Kurt and Ram. They stood awkwardly when it came to McNamara, but the sunflower's eyes glistened with tears. "Kurt, Ram!" she suddenly exclaimed. She smiled wistfully. "I remember when you were the shit at Westerberg. How's being ghosts going? Still sporting the varsity jackets, I see!"

Ram slowly shrugged. "Pretty great, I mean, all things considered." He laughed. Kurt snorted. "And, yeah. We're still wearing these jackets. Though they're a little bloodstained."

Veronica and JD flinched. "Sorry," Veronica whispered. "I'm really, really sorry."

Chandler piped up. "Mommy, how do you know these people? Why couldn't you see them 'till you accepted what you'd done?" JD took in a sharp breath, turning to the little girl. "That's a story for another day," he said, chuckling breathily. "When you're older."

Chandler frowned. "But I'm five years old! I'm old 'nuff to know!" McNamara laughed. "How about when you're six?"

They wouldn't tell her until she was twenty four.

Heather Chandler wiped some Drano from her pale lips. "Look, Ronnie, honey. You know, no matter how much of a bitch I was, I loved you. You were like another Heather to me."

Veronica bit her lip to keep from bursting into tears. "Love you, too, Heather. I mean it."

McNamara looked at JD. His trench coat was tattered, face distorted and almost unrecognizable, limbs twisted in odd angles. If Veronica had noticed that before, she hadn't said anything.

"Does it hurt?" she asked him suddenly. JD looked taken aback. "What? This?" He gestured to everything. "Nah. I guess there's no pain in death." Heather nodded. "Good," she said finally.

The school's former bad boy looked at the other ghosts. "What do we do now?"

Veronica turned to the jocks, then to the queen bee, then back to JD. "Stay," she whispered. "Please."

Kurt looked down. "I don't think we can," he admitted.

Ram twisted his lips into a crude smile. "I think that we have to go," he added on.

McNamara looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Nobody spoke for a minute.

"What they mean," Heather Chandler finally said, "is that we were on this earth, in the middle of life and death because we had unfinished business. Because we achieved forgiveness, we can't stay any longer."

The blonde looked at her hands. "I'm already fading," she said, tears pooling behind her lids.

Veronica's eyes widened. "What? No! You can't just leave me!" She turned desperately to JD. "I- I still have so much to tell you! You-you can't do this to me!"

Jason took Veronica's hands in his own dead, cold ones. He was fading, too. Slowly, agonizingly, he kissed her.

"Remember," he smirked. "Chaos is what killed the dinosaurs, darling. Try not to get to crazy while I'm gone."

Kurt suddenly engulfed McNamara in a hug, crying. He was faded up to his waist. "Be good to Ronnie, will ya?" Ram laughed. "We'll miss you."

And then, with one last signature smirk from Heather Chandler, they were gone.

Veronica fell to the ground, sobbing. She could still feel JD's cold lips, the sensation lingering.

McNamara and Chandler hugged, the sunflower breathing in raggedy, shattered breaths. She could still, like Veronica feeling JD, feel Kurt's arms wrapped around her.

Looking up, tears trickling down Veronica's face, she said to all of them,

"Say hi to God."

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