Part 1

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Jack sat on the beach, listening to the crashing waves.  There were times he missed the life he left behind.  Days like today, when the weather was sunny and the ocean was calm.  He had been away from home for so long now, that his old life felt like a dream.  His phone began to chime softly in his pocket and he tore his eyes away from the endless ocean horizon to check it.  A reminder about his flight tomorrow.  In just a few hours he would be in L.A. for Pax.  He couldn't wait.  Smiling, Jack slipped his phone back into his pocket.  He should get home and finish packing.  Then make sure that Robin had his videos to edit while he was away.  He had so much to do and so little time.  When a soft feminine voice addressed him formally.  "Is it everything you dreamed, highness"?

Jack's eyes shot up in surprise to see a woman standing knee deep in the ocean waves.  Her long green hair was braided and hung down both her shoulders to float on top of the water.  She grinned at him with shark like teeth and her eyes were just as black.  Her long fin like ears twitched as she bowed her head respectfully.  He had hoped to never see her again.  His people called her the 'Sea-Witch'.  She was terrifying.  Jack licked his lips and glanced around nervously.  The beach was empty, but for how long?  Jack shifted uncomfortably, asking her a bit sharply.  "What are you doing here? What if someone sees you"?!  The sea-witch grinned, crossing her thin arms under her large breasts as she stated aloud.  "I can be anywhere I choose to be and seen by only those that I want to see me. I am gifted, after all". 

Jack turned away, mumbling out in an undertone.  "I'd prefer to forget".  The sea-witch appeared in front of him, telling him bluntly.  "You know why I am here, your highness".  Jack took a step back from her, nervously stating.  "I'm sorry, but I've got to go".  Jack quickly walked around her, but she appeared in front of him again.  This time she uncrossed her arms, telling him sternly.  "No, you're not. You're trying to avoid me. I can smell it".  Jack took another uneasy step away from her, grimly stating.  "I did everything you asked of me. Now please, just leave me alone".  The sea-witch shook her head, moving slowly closer to him as she told him seriously.  "No, Highness. You made a deal and I am here to collect".  Jack backed away, shaking his own head as he told her firmly.  "No! I paid"! 

The sea-witch kept walking after him in a slow menacing stride, telling him sharply.  "I told you the risks! I laid out the cost"!  The sea-witch extended her skeletal hand out toward his chest, her long fingers and even longer black nails grazing over the fabric of his shirt.  Jack quickly backed away before her nails made any real contact.  He had heard about her touch before.  How it could poison the soul.  The sea-witch lowered her hand, telling him through her clenched shark-like teeth.  "You came to me for help, remember? I gave you what your heart desired, highness. Nothing in this world is free. Not even magic. You will pay. They all do. I warned you"!  Jack bit his lip, before telling her gently.  "This can't be right! I paid upfront"!  The sea-witch extended her empty palm to him.  There was a blazing white flash and a rolled up white contract rested across her hand. 

He carefully reached out to take it from her, but she pulled her hand back to flick it open.  The bright green writing standing out against the pure white contract.  Jack's eyes quickly skimmed it, but the sea-witch pointed to one section stating bluntly.  "You didn't read this, did you? You're crown was not the cost of this life".  Jack snatched the contract from her to quickly read the paragraph.  When he finished it, his blood felt like ice.  Lifting his head, he told her pleadingly.  "No! I can't give you that! Please, anything else"!  The sea-witch shook her head, telling him regretfully.  "I can't do that! You signed it in your own blood. That contract is binding. You agreed to the terms laid out in the contract".  Jack shook his head and pushed the contract back into her arms, stammering out.  "There has to be something you can do! You made the contract"! 

The sea-witch grabbed his wrist firmly, staring into his eyes with her solid black ones as she answered stone faced.  "I warned you! Magic is binding. I am but a vessel. I can shape and bend magic to what I desire, but it is a force of its own design! You're just like the rest of those stupid merpeople that think magic can solve all your problems. Well, it can't! You can run, highness, but there is no place on this earth that can hide you from the forces of nature! The magic will find you and you will pay. It's already begun".  The sea-witch's hand felt like ice against his warm skin, but her words scared him more.  Breathlessly, he asked her softly.  "What do you mean? What's happening to me"?  The sea-witch's eyes narrowed on him, when she answered bitter sweet.  "I told you. You will pay one way or another. What magic gave you... it will take away". 

She released his wrist and pulled a small shell from under her seaweed shirt.  Opening it up with the flick of her thumb she bent to scoop up some sea water and held it out for him to look into.  She dipped her black nail into the water, telling him in warning.  "If you don't pay the price before the next full moon, the spell will break. If you're on land as the sun sets at the start of the full moon... you will die. If you fulfill the contract before then, you will remain human permanently. Though until you do, highness. I'd avoid water".  Jack watched the water in the small shell ripple, before it cleared into an image.  It was him with a bunch of friends at a Pax party.  A young woman tripped and spilled her drink all over him.  From the moment the water touched his skin, his body began to change rapidly. 

His ears extended out farther like an elves with glimmering greenish blue fins.  His body fell to the floor and his pants shredded away as his legs skin became rough with greenish blue scales.  His legs molding together to make a large tail that unfolded out across the floor to everyone's horrified bewilderment!  Jack watched the pale skin of his torso began to glimmer like glitter in the light as the room fell silent.  When the image in the water faded away, the sea-witch leaned in closer.  She cupped his jaw with her long fingers, sweetly telling him in a concerned voice.  "My sweet prince... Please heed my warning this time. I've tried my best to keep you safe... but some things you just can't run from".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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