Part 5

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Jack never wanted to leave Mark's embrace, but Mark's phone began to ring and Mark pulled away to look at it.  Mark quickly informed him as he started to walk away.  "I have to take this. They are probably wondering why we haven't arrived yet".  Jack watched Mark answer the phone and trot back down the steps, where there was better phone signal.  Standing alone upstairs, Jack bit his lip.  He hoped to have more time with Mark.  Mark and him were so close, but not close enough.  He needed more time.  Which he didn't have now.  The lights flickered and Jack shivered.  Had the room gotten colder?  Jack's breathing sped up and his voice had turned into a whisper, when he called out a bit terrified.  "Mark..."?  There was a sudden loud rumble that cut the power and Jack stood frozen to the spot.  He was too scared to breathe or move. 

From somewhere in the darkness a raspy female voice spoke out to him.  "There you are. It's so good to see you again, My Jack".  The hairs on Jack's arms stood up and he felt a shiver run down his spine.  Magdalena.  Her voice seemed to drift all around the room as she told him sickly sweet.  "Is that why you wanted my potion? Was big daddy not happy that his little boy had feelings for a human? Were you trying to change his mind about them? How sweet".  Jack rubbed his cold arms and tried to stay as still and quiet as he could.  She had very poor eyesight in the light, but in the dark... There was no way to find her or escape her.  Magdalena grabbed his shoulders and he jumped, belting out a loud yell.  Her hands held his shoulders with an inhuman strength.  Her long sharp black talons digging into his shirt and pricking his flesh beneath. 

Against his ear she told him in a hissing voice.  "Humans only care about war. They are consumed with a need to destroy anything different than them".  Jack shook his head and meekly stammered back.  "You're wrong. Not all humans are like that".  She pulled him back against her chest, holding him firmly as one of her hands slid across his chest and up to curl menacingly long fingers around his throat.  He felt her forked tongue flick along his ear, before she hissed into heatedly.  "Yes... but is your human like that? Has he seen the real you? Every fin and scale? Or have you been too shy to show him"?  Jack tried to step away from her, but she held him too tightly.  His reaction made her chuckle and so she added playfully against his cheek.  "I guess not. That's a shame. You've got some pretty scales. Just give me the Heart of Atlantis and I'll leave your human alone". 

Jack chuckled, trying to sound confident as he told her.  "I don't have it. I gave it away".  Magdalena chuckled wickedly and stroked his jaw with her finger as she answered.  "Is that so? Then why can I still smell your innocence, Jack"?  Jack shrugged, stating a little confused.  "I'm not a killer if that is what you mean".  Magdalena released him and vanished back into the darkness with a hearty laugh, before telling him playfully.  "Oh, this is just too priceless! Did your dad tell you the censored version of that old fish tale"?  Jack tried to follow her voice as she seemed to circle around him, but stayed quiet.  He was so confused.  Magdalena seemed to stop moving as she added in a mocking innocence.  "The tale always changes from century to century. I however, have been around since the original telling. Shall I ruin your childhood"? 

Jack stood his ground, muttering out dryly.  "You're just trying to scare me".  Magdalena snapped her fingers and the small orbs on her long dark dress lit up to illuminate her in an eerie dim green light.  Jack's eyes had to adjust to the soft lighting in order to watch her approach him very slowly, telling him in a haunting voice.  "What did daddy tell you it was? A kiss of true love? To marry and live happily ever after? To confess your love and him in return? Or did daddy tell you that the sweet little mermaid stole the shell from the wicked sea-witch and gave it to a human"?  Jack shifted nervously at the last one and Magdalena let out another laugh.  Frustrated, Jack snapped out.  "Than what is the original tale then"?  Magdalena calmed down and a wicked smile spread across her face to reveal her sharp fang-like teeth. 

She moved closer to him and Jack wanted to back away, but forced himself not too.  She placed a hand on his chest, right over his racing heart as she sneered out teasingly.  "My sweet innocent, Jack. Just let me take your heart. I promise you that it is painless. You won't even feel my shell creature taking your heart. You'll drift off into a deep sleep, before it even starts. I'm not unfeeling".  Jack pushed her hand off, stating coldly.  "You tricked me before. My father is dying because of you"!  She moved closer to bitterly sneer into his face.  "Your father banished me to the trench! To live in the dark like a criminal! While my sister sits at his side! I was tricked! I want what is owed to me! One way or another, Jack... I WILL have your heart... and then I'm going to make your father eat it"!  Jack took a step back and she struck him across the face. 

The force sent Jack across the floor and he winced from the pain.  Forcing himself to sit, he rubbed his cheek and stared up at her with an emotionless expression.  Magdalena straightened herself up, looking down at him with a dark look as she informed him much calmer.  "For your information, I wasn't lying. You wanna drag this out? Fine. I'm not above playing games. Let's put your human to the test shall we? You think he can save you? You think he loves you? Than let's find out how far he is willing to go for you"!  Jack gasped, climbing to his feet quickly to beg her desperately.  "NO! Please, leave Mark out of this"!  Magdalena opened her mouth to say something, but the lights came back on and she screamed covering her eyes.  Jack reached for her, but she turned into a tornado of water and dived into the sink.  Splashing water everywhere. 

Jack fell to his knees and panted softly.  Magdalena had yanked away any hope he had left.  Even if he could find out the original story... She was going to do her best to turn Mark against him.  He felt like he was caught in the tide with nowhere to go and no way out.  Mark was terrified of the ocean and Jack was sure that it wouldn't take Magdalena long to figure that out... If she didn't know already from ease dropping on them.  This just made everything so much harder.  Mark ran up the stairs, panting heavily as he asked him.  "Jack, are you alright? Something flipped the circuit breakers. Took me forever to find the damn key to the stupid box".  Jack could only nod, he was too scared and shaky to do much else.  Mark walked over to him to help him up and Jack couldn't stop himself.  He needed a hug.  Mark held him close, rubbing his back for a moment. 

Mark's voice was suddenly low and worried, when he asked.  "Jack? Why do you feel so cold? Are you sure you're ok? You're shaking".  Jack held Mark tighter, mumbling out into Mark's shoulder.  "I'm scared, Mark. I don't want to loose you".  Mark chuckled softly, telling Jack as he continued to rub his back.  "Jack, you're not going to loose me. Everything will be just fine. Look. Even the weather is clearing up".  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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