Part 14

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Jack moaned softly against Mark's ear as he kissed his throat lovingly.  Closing his eyes, Jack bit his lip and arched up into Mark.  Mark was close to him, but not close enough.  Mark adjusted his legs, causing his cock to slide in under Jack's towel and nestle in beside Jack's hard cock.  Jack's legs tensed around Mark's hips, while his fingers dug into Mark's skin.  The feeling that flooded through Jack couldn't be explained.  It was just pure bliss.  He had the strongest urge to grind his hips against Mark's to feel it again and again.  A muffled chuckle rippled from Mark, before he asked in a curious whisper.  "Is this your first time"?  Mark's words hit him like a bat to the gut.  Jack released Mark, letting his legs fall to the bed.  He felt embarrassed and a bit guilty.  Mark lifted his head to look at him with worried eyes.  Jack could tell from his eyes that Mark hadn't meant it to sound so... accusing. 

In a disheartened tone of voice, Jack told Mark.  "You think my father would let the Prince of Atlantis sleep around"?  Mark risked a tiny smirk, when he mumbled out playfully.  "No. But you're clever. You could have found a way".  Jack narrowed his eyes up at Mark, feeling a bit shy as he answered guiltily.  "Have you met merpeople? They tend to be very vain creatures. They don't share their hearts. They keep them to themselves because we don't handle pain well. Heartbreak could kill us if the feeling was strong enough".  Mark brushed his knuckles down Jack's neck, asking sweetly.  "Then how did you fall for me"?  Jack blushed, feeling goosebumps run down his arms.  Licking his dry lips, Jack looked away when he answered softly.  "I don't know. I just saw you on the beach and... wanted to know you. The more I learned about you... The happier I became". 

Mark turned Jack's jaw with his fingers, pressing his lips to his.  Jack smiled, wrapping his arms around Mark's neck to encourage him to kiss him longer.  Mark's hand slowly moved down Jack's side to his hip.  Once it was there, Mark finally pulled away from the kiss, telling him playfully sweetly.  "Just promise that you won't behead me in the morning for taking your virginity"?  Jack chuckled, sliding his legs around Mark's thighs as he purred back against his lips.  "Your not taking anything. I'm giving it to you".  Mark pressed his lips to Jack's, kissing him with a heated passion.  It was only after a bit that Jack felt Mark's hand move across his waist from his hip.  Mark's hand tugged at his towel gently, before it fell open.  Jack gasped softly, prying himself from Mark's lips.  He felt so exposed without his towel covering him. 

Sure, Mark's cock was rubbing against his... but it still felt so innocent with layers between them.  Now that there was nothing, Jack's body was starting to shake a bit.  He was becoming a nervous wreak.  Sex with Merpeople was much different, than what he had seen in porn between humans.  He didn't know what this would feel like.  Mark gave Jack a short breathless kiss, before he whispered to him warmly.  "Don't be afraid. I'll stop if it hurts".  Jack moved his hands off Mark's shoulders to grip his strong arms, trying to sound confident as he said.  "I'm not afraid. I trust you".  Mark gave him a nod and Jack stiffened up.  Mark's hand moved teasingly slow over his waist.  His fingers sliding through his pubic hair, before curling around his hard cock.  Jack bit his lip hard, letting out a loud muffled moan. 

Jack's toes curled and he couldn't feel his fingers as they dug into Mark's muscular arms.  He could only feel how warm Mark's hand was and how gentle he was being as he began to stroke him.  Mark leaned in to kiss his shoulder, breathlessly telling him.  "Are you alright"?  Jack released Mark's arms to grip the wooden headboard as he moaned out.  "Oh... fuck! Don't stop"!  Mark's lips trailed up his neck to nibble on his ear and Jack fell into a sea of desire.  He loved the way Mark's warm breath sent tingles down his spine.  The way his warm hand gently caressed his cock like it needed his warmth to survive.  The way Mark's teeth tenderly nipped his ear, sending goosebumps down his arms and legs.  He was overwhelmed by it and at the same time wasn't drowning in it enough.  He wanted to know how much Mark could do to him. 

Mark lips moved back to Jack's neck, giving him some tender love bites.  Jack's hips couldn't stay still.  He wanted to grind his hips on Mark.  When Mark released Jack's cock, Jack groaned out disappointed.  "No... Mark. Keep going... Please! It felt so good"!  Jack watched Mark through hazy eyes, slip two fingers into his own mouth.  Jack stared at him a bit confused, when Mark sat up to spread Jack's legs wider.  Jack only had time to swallow down his embarrassment, before Mark lowered his hand to slip a finger into his ass.  Jack jerked at the weird sensation.  While Mark stroked Jack's stomach with his free hand.  Jack stared up at the ceiling trying to fight off his silly embarrassment.  It was clear that Mark didn't care what he looked like... but he was worried about it.  He had always been of a leaner build, than any other merman he had met.  Even as a human, he was leaner.  It was stupid to worry... but he did. 

Mark's finger curled inside him to press against something and Jack's body tensed up in pleasure.  A loud moan burst from his lungs and someone in other room banged on the wall.  Jack dropped a hand from the headboard to cover his mouth.  He was blushing so bad that he was sure it was showing on his pale skin.  Mark chuckled, leaning back down as he inserted another finger.  Jack jerked, his eyes rolling back as Mark's second finger pressed the same stop.  Jack's heels dropped to the bed, unable to stay still as he tried to suppress another loud moan.  Mark lovingly bit his neck, whispering afterward.  "Ignore them. I wanna hear you, Jack. Does it feel good"?  Jack kept his hand clamped over his mouth, but nodded.  Mark's fingers left his ass and he took hold of both of Jack's wrists, pinning them down to the mattress. 

Jack licked his lips, staring up at Mark with soft innocent eyes.  Mark adjusted himself, telling Jack warmly.  "This might hurt a bit... I'll go really slow. Just don't be afraid to tell me to stop".  Jack chuckled, answering Mark bluntly.  "Mark... Trust me. If it hurts... I will tell you. Loud and clear".  Mark smiled, slowly starting to press his cock into Jack's ass.  Jack's toes curled into the mattress and he arched back a bit, clenching his jaw as he let out a soft groan.  It did hurt, but not enough that he wanted Mark to stop.  He could bare it.  He had heard from even the merpeople at court that the first time always hurt.  He'd get through this.  When Mark had pushed in completely, he didn't move.  Instead, he asked Jack a little worried.  "Are you alright? Do you need a few minutes"?  Jack shook his head, telling Mark with a smile.  "No. But I'll tell you want I do want".  Mark waited patiently with gentle teddy bear eyes.  Jack pulled his wrists out from Mark's grip, leaning up to answer playfully.  "I want on top". 

Mark smirked, relief flooding his face.  Jack chuckled as Mark rolled onto his back, bringing Jack overtop of him.  Straddling Mark's hips, Jack stretched and adjusted himself more comfortably.  Once he was set, he started to move on Mark's cock.  Mark didn't seem to mind being on bottom.  It gave his hands free range.  Both of them.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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