Part 19

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Jack pulled against his brothers grip, telling them hopefully. "Guys, please! Let me go! You don't understand. I need to see him"! Malcolm looked back, replying seriously. "It's not up to us. Jack, I warned you... Now you'll have to answer for everything. Your very actions can be seen as treason"! Jack fell silent. He hadn't given it much thought, but he supposed it looked that way. The only person who could get him out of this was his dad... but would he even listen to him? They escorted him straight to the palace and into the large throne room made from a blueish white Larimar stone. The king waved everyone out as he approached his throne. Jack's brothers left him in the center of the room, before departing out with the others. The large doors began to shut and Jack watched them feeling a sense of dread. 

He hadn't been alone with his father in a long time. He was usually so busy. Not to mention, they didn't tend to have the nicest conversations together. The last time, they fought about his betrothal to the Arctic Princess. His dad relaxed back against his throne, waiting for the doors to close. Jack could see by the way his dad's long tail swept across the floor, that he was holding back a storm of words that he wanted to say. Jack rubbed his arm and stared at his own tail. Flinching as the doors thudded loudly into place. For a minute or so, there was nothing but silence between them. When Jack finally started to very softly say. "Dad, I was only-". His dad cut him off by striking his trident against the floor. Jack fell silent, simply staring at his dad with worried eyes.

His dad looked away from him, covering his face with his hand as he calmly stated aloud. "You put us all in danger. Do ya realize that"? Jack opened his mouth, but closed it quickly. Nothing he said would cool his fathers wrath right now. His father turned cold eyes on him, adding in sternly. "My advisors think ya where trying to kill me for the throne. Ya just up and vanished. I had my men searching the whole ocean for ya"! Jack bowed his head to stop himself from seeing the disappointment in his father's eyes. His father's voice grew louder and colder as he continued on. "Not only that, but ya been making deals with Magdalena?! I told ya to say away from her, lad! Ya could have gotten ya-self killed! Magic isn't a toy that can fix all your problems! The kingdom was under attack for three days! What will it take for ya to listen to me"?!

Jack lifted his head to lightly throw in. "I am listening! You don't listen to me"! His father rose off his throne, glaring down at Jack as he bellowed out. "How can ya expect me to listen? I turn my back and ya go out of ya way to hurt me! Ya want me to listen? Than listen to me! I have bigger problems on my plate! I have a kingdom to run and it's people to protect! I can't be worried what ya will get us into next! For once Jack... Trust me. Listen to me. I'm doing this to protect ya. Can't ya see that"? Jack couldn't help it. His dad sounded calm enough to try and ask it as respectfully as he could. "Dad... Allow me to go to the surface. Even if it's just for a little while. I-". His dad turned away, raising a hand to stop him, until he just cut him off to scold out. "NO! I've told ya time and time again. That world and this one are to remain separate! Humans are dangerous! Ya could expose us all and I can't let that happen! Think of ya family! Ya want to see us all captured and put in tanks?! NO! Ya will stay here and marry the Arctic Princess".

Jack flicked his tail stubbornly, shouting back. "You don't know anything about them! They aren't all like that! You can banish me to the surface, because I won't marry her! You can't make me"! His dad swam up to him as fast as lightening, pointing a stern finger at his throat as he yelled out. "YA WILL! If I have to chain ya fins to the floor to do it! I am ya father and ya king! Ya will do as I command! Or so help me, Jack... I'll lock ya away to protect this family one way or another"! His father banged on the throne room door violently, until Malcolm opened it. His father pointed to Jack, snapping to Malcolm. "Take him to his room and be sure that he stays there! I'm done fighting with him for now"! His father started to move back to the throne, when Jack swam over to grab his wrist to stop him. Jack tried to meet his father's eyes as he pleaded out. "Dad, please? I'm begging you! Let me go back"?

His father refused to look at him and yanked his wrist away, stating back coldly. "I forbid ya to leave ya room. That is my final word". Jack's heart deflated and as he turned to follow Malcolm, he snapped back at him. "I'm sorry you feel that way, your highness". It was a small thing, but he knew it would hurt his dad. He never liked his children calling him by a title. Jack couldn't help it though. He was hurting and no one was listening, or even cared. Malcolm took him to his room in one of the many towers, leaning against the doorway as he told Jack gently. "You know dad is only trying to keep you safe, right"? Jack swam slowly to his large bed, mumbling out. "He has a funny way of showing it". Malcolm sighed heavily, before telling him bluntly honest. "Ya... I can't imagine dad's relief right now. He was only scared that you were dead, or taken prisoner. He only ordered us from our kingdoms to help find you". Jack sniffled, slowly falling across the soft cushion bed.

Malcolm moved into the room, letting the door close on its own. Sitting down on the edge of the coral frame, Malcolm put a hand on his shoulder, adding in comfortingly. "I know you're not happy here... but maybe instead of fighting with dad all the time. You should show him that you understand each other. He worries about you, because you can be so reckless. Sometimes you have to give to get". Malcolm patted his arm, before he left Jack alone with his thoughts. Jack rolled over to see his table and sighed. Swimming up to it, he looked down at the crown circlet with a torn heart. He was born to lead and he knew he could do it... but he felt like his life was pulling him in a different direction. Swimming to the window, Jack looked out at some of the broken walls and homes that must have been a result of the fighting while he was away.

He placed a hand on the window, watching blue static rush across it. The power of his dad's trident. He had used it to make sure that he wasn't able to leave. He was trapped in his own room, until the king let him go. The doors behind him opened and Jack barely turned to look. His mother slowly swam into the room, giving him a small smile that he couldn't return. She sat down on his bed, curling her long red tail behind her. For a few seconds, she didn't say anything. Then she told him lovingly. "The talk didn't go so well again, did it"? Jack simply shook his head. His mother sighed deeply, before telling him gently. "Ya know... Ya just like him. More so than ya brothers. He once dreamed of seeing a life above the ocean... His dad was hard on him too. Then after his sister ran away to the surface. He was the only child left to take the throne. It was a burden that he never wanted, but he learned to love it. He just doesn't want to see ya get hurt".

Jack stared out at the kingdom, answering softly. "I didn't mean to hurt him, Ma. I just wanted a life of my own". His mother's hands slid over his bare shoulders, holding him close as she told him sweetly. "I know, Jack... but what is it about the surface that calls to ya"? Jack pulled away from his mom to say honestly. "I can't explain it. Up there people are different. Sure, they have war and crime like down here... but their are a few that are fighting to be something beyond that. They don't realize the differences they can make as a community. They could change the world. They could make it better. Everything that dad remembers humans being... Their are some trying to show a better way. They just need someone to believe in them. Someone they can trust. Someone who doesn't feed them lies and focuses on greed. They just need someone who understands them".

He turned to face his mother and blushed a little. She was smirking at him. Rubbing his collarbone nervously, he mumbled out. "What"? His mother moved closer to place a hand on his cheek, asking with a bright smile. "Nothing. I was just wondering who inspired ya to think like this"? Jack's blush turned a bit darker in color, forcing him to turn away. His mother ran her fingers through his hair, asking teasingly. "The man in the hotel? Was it him? Is that why ya want to go back"? Jack gently pushed her hand from his hair, swimming over to the other window as he told her in a low disheartened voice. "Why would you think that"? His mother swam up beside him, chuckling out softly. "Ya honestly didn't expect Malcolm to keep a secret like that did ya? Ya father did practically have to twist his arm for it though. He was the only one with a guess at where ya'd be".

Jack stared blankly at the darkening water in the distance. Night was approaching. Jack began to nibble on his thumb to keep his hands from shaking, when he muffled out anxiously. "I don't even know if he is still alive. I...". He couldn't finish, because his throat was tightening up. He was so worried about Mark. Was the Sea-Witch able to save him? His mother placed a soothing hand on his shoulder, stating very low and sweet. "Ya love him". Jack closed his eyes and nodded. He didn't want to know if she was just as disappointed in him as his dad was. Her hand squeezed his shoulder tenderly, before she told him casually. "Get some rest, Jack. I'm going to have a few words with ya dad". To Be Continued...       

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