Part 18

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Mark crept closer unsure whether to go for the dagger or for Jack. He wasn't quite sure that he understood all that was happening, but his only concern was for Jack. Quickly bending down, Mark grabbed onto Jack's ankle and pulled him away from his aunt's embrace. She didn't care as much for him as she did the ball of light. Reaching out she snatched it in her hands. Mark pulled Jack against his chest, snapping at Jack's aunt sharply. "What did you do"?! Jack's aunt climbed to her feet staring at the ball of light in her hands as she answered in excited awe. "I killed Magdalena and took his immortality. You should be thanking me". Mark took in Jack's appearance quickly. Jack looked seriously injured. Just like his Aunt's scar, there was a raw circular burn on his chest that was bleeding and he didn't seem to be conscious anymore. 

Mark held Jack's head against his chest, yelling back at her. "Thanking you? Look what you have done to him"! Jack's aunt turned away with a scowling face, muttering out. "I gave him what he wanted. A life on the land... If he survives the shock of being separated from his powers. Meanwhile, I'm finally going home"! The Sea-Witch stared at the pile of ash that was her sister, telling Jack's Aunt. "You didn't have to do that to her...". Jack's Aunt moved toward the door, growling out to the Sea-Witch. "She deserved her fate". The Sea-Witch turned her head to watch Jack's Aunt leave as she calmly stated out loud. "As you deserve the fate that waits for you. You both loved the same man. He betrayed you both... Yet, you were so blinded by your anger that you did not listen to me".

Jack's Aunt stopped at the door, growling out dryly. "What are you babbling on about, bitch"? The Sea-Witch slowly stood up, answering very calmly. "I've seen your future. You sealed your own fate". Jack's Aunt rolled her eyes and swallowed the ball of light in her hands. Mark hugged Jack closer to him, watching Jack's light fade down the woman's throat. The moment Jack's Aunt raced away, the Sea -Witch turned to Mark to add in very seriously. "Magdalena never made the spell to make him live on land. I did. The price of that spell is the Heart of Atlantis. A merpersons soul. You humans would call it their power. For without their power. They are simply humans". Mark blinked in confusion for a second before it dawned on him. The Sea- Witch grimly walked over to her sisters ashes, adding in sadly. "At sun down today... The price will be paid. No matter who has Jack's power. Everything she killed for... Was for nothing".

Mark rubbed Jack's cold arm, asking her softly. "I'm not sure I understand what role I play in this"? The Sea- Witch kneeled down by her sister's ashes, before answering solemnly. "Think of the universe as one big library with Magic being the writer/librarian. Every person is a book that contains their life's story. Now look at it like this. You were no accident. You were born or written into this world in order to finish his aunt's story. Because if this story doesn't end... You'll never have a life with him". Mark thought he understood, but asked curiously. "I'm not sure I completely understand. Why am I here"? The Sea-Witch chuckled to herself, saying with a smirk. "I don't have all the answers. That's just how I see it all work. You just have to be you". Mark watched the Sea-Witch collect the ashes, telling her gently. "I'm sorry about your sister".

The Sea-Witch gave him a small smile, replying in a sad tone of voice. "She chose her fate. She was always a jealous woman and her want for revenge lead her here. As sad as I am... I hope in her new life she will be happier. I warned her that putting her heart in that creature was a bad idea. It made her more powerful and even gave her the ability to see in the dark... but well, you saw. If the creature dies, than so does she". Mark reached out for the dagger to look it over curiously, when the Sea-Witch finally stood up, telling him sweetly. "That dagger was made by Magdalena. She made it immune to magic so that Jack's Aunt would be able to kill the Seeker. No matter what spell he tried to use on her. She couldn't kill him though... She loved him. At least, until he tricked her into giving up her power. She became mortal and he sought her brother's throne".

Mark handed the dagger up to the Sea-Witch, pleading hopefully. "You can have it as long as you help Jack recover". The Sea-Witch's eyes suddenly turned pure white and she told him seriously. "Actually, Mark. You may want to hold onto that dagger for a bit. You're going to need it". The sky suddenly began to crackle and go dark outside, before a man stepped into the doorway. The man was dressed in deep blue jeans and a large brown sweater. Although, that isn't what made Mark loose his breath. On the man's head was a crown with deep colored jewels and his eyes were a blazing blue. The man pointed a large ocean blue trident at Mark, his accent thick and his voice stern as he told him. "Get away from my son, lad. Or ya won't be walking outta here". The Sea-Witch bowed her head, stepping quickly in front of Mark as she respectfully said. "Your majesty, This isn't what it looks like".

The man entered the room with two other younger men behind him. The man pointed the trident away, bellowing out angrily. "What I see is a man holding a dagger over my son! Now move"! When she didn't, he moved closer to tell her through clenched teeth. "Move, lass. I won't ask you again". Reluctantly, she moved a step away as a woman raced into the room. This woman was much older with a smaller crown that matched the mans. The two younger men moved out of her way as she ran forward, yelling out. "Is he alright?! Let me see"?! The man moved the trident to block her way, but his eyes never left Mark's. Mark slowly lowered the dagger away from Jack, telling the man nervously. "I'd never hurt him. I was trying to save him". The man shook his head, growling out. "You think I'm a fool"? The man turned his trident toward Jack and a soft golden light streamed from the sharp points to Jack's chest.

Mark laid Jack back across the floor with a shocked smile. The wound was healing over rapidly. The Sea-Witch bowed again to the woman and the man, rushing out. "Your majesties, if you restore his power... You'll have to rush him to the sea before the day ends! Otherwise, he'll die"! The man glared back at the Sea-Witch, answering a bit coldly. "We don't plan on staying. He's coming home and that is where he is going to stay! Am I making myself clear"?! The Sea-Witch nodded, bowing her head. The man then told her distastefully. "You endanger my family again and I'll fucking vaporize you on the spot"! Jack gasped deeply and grabbed for Mark's arm in surprise. Mark chuckled lightly, touching Jack's face to calm him back down. While the man raised his trident, telling the younger men behind him coldly. "Get your brother. We're going home".

Mark rose to his feet in a panic, starting to plead out. "Wait! You can't-". The man whirled around to point his trident at Mark. Mark only had time to cringe as a flash of white light blasted him off his feet and into the wall. Jack jerked upright, calling out Mark's name. Malcolm bent down to take his arm and Jack weakly began to struggle as he yelled out. "NO! Wait! Dad! Don't"! His dad wasn't listening, he just walked out of the room. Jack's other brother helped Malcolm practically drag Jack from the room, while Jack desperately called out to his mother. "MA! Listen! You don't understand! Make them stop! Please"! His mother gave him a fragile look as she followed him, answering. "It's going to be alright. We'll get you home and we'll discuss this". Jack grounded his bare feet against the pavement, not caring that it was causing them to bleed as the dragged him.

He needed to know that Mark was ok. Thrashing as hard as he could, Jack yelled out to the only person who hadn't left the room. "DON'T LET HIM DIE"! He only got to see the Sea-Witch nod. When the landscape vanished to pure white, before he felt the water crash over him. All their bodies transformed, but even in the water Jack couldn't match the strength of his brothers. They were pulling him down to the depths. They were taking him home. Far from Mark and land. Far from the life he wanted and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Mark groaned, stiffly sitting up. He didn't know how long he had been out for. His whole body hurt though. The Sea-Witch sat on the bed in front of him, staring down at him with a smile that revealed her sharp shark-like teeth. He shifted on to all fours, straining out. "Where is Jack"? The Sea-Witch's smile faded, when she reluctantly answered. "Atlantis. You're welcome by the way". Mark sat back on his heels, grumbling out. "What"? The Sea-Witch sighed softly, then replied. "The dagger. If you hadn't been holding it... You'd be dead right now. So, you're welcome. Now put something on. We're going to the beach". To Be Continued...     

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