Part 9

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Jack covered his head with his arms and yelled louder.  The people around him kept shoving closer to touch him and trying to ask him questions about himself.  It was overwhelming.  A few burly men shoved their way in to form a protective circle around him.  As a burst of smoke caught the attention of everyone in the room.  Jack cautiously peeked toward where everyone was looking.  Standing on the stage, the Seeker spread his arms wide while the smoke dissipated.  He gave everyone a swiping bow and announced out loudly.  "Ladies and Gentleman! What you have just witnessed is a sneak preview of our merman attraction at Deep Sea Creatures! We have to go, but feel free to come and see us! You won't want to miss it"!  The crowd cheered in excitement.  Then while they were distracted, the burly guards quickly turned to pick up Jack. 

Jack thrashed and tried to stop them, but they restrained him easily enough.  The men carried him through the tight crowd as fast as they could.  Jack tried to twist and flail, desperately calling out for Mark.  Where had he gone?  He couldn't see him among the faces in the crowd.  They carried him outside to a large van and Jack managed to sink his teeth into one of the burly men's arm.  The man groaned, wincing in pain.  However, it didn't stop him from continuing to load Jack into the van.  Inside the van was a long glass coffin looking tank.  Magdalena opened the lid for the men and Jack let out a terrified scream.  He wasn't going to be caged like an animal!  He didn't know what they were going to do to him, but he didn't want to find out.  He thrashed and lashed out in every way he could, causing the men to drop him roughly into the tank. 

He could barely move in the tank.  It only gave him enough room to turn over on his stomach or his back.  Magdalena started to close the lid and Jack's hands shot out of the water to hold the lid up.  If she closed the lid he thought he might have a panic attack.  He wasn't claustrophobic.  He just didn't like being trapped with no way to get out.  The burly men stepped in to help her but she waved them away with her free hand.  She had an inhuman strength of her own.  Forcing the lid to slowly close.  The moment it clicked shut, she locked it down with a large padlock.  She stared in at him through the glass with a small smile and gave him a tiny wave.  Jack slammed his hand against the glass in anger.  It wasn't any use.  He wasn't strong enough to brake this glass.  It was designed to keep in whales.  The men sat down around the tank, closing up the doors.  The moment the Seeker slipped into the van they were off. 

Jack laid on his back, letting his hands feel around the edges of the tank for any possible weaknesses.  One of the burly men tapped on the glass to draw Jack's attention, before shaking his finger at him as if he was a child.  Jack shot the man a sour look and continued to search around the tank.  If the man wanted him to stop then he'd have to open the lid and make him.  Which Jack hoped he would.  He wanted to try drowning one of them.  When the van finally stopped not long after, the men unloaded him and carried him into a back entrance to the aquarium.  As they carted him in passed large pipes, Jack heard Magdalena tell the Seeker happily.  "You have done me proud. I underestimated your knowledge of Merpeople. I won't do that again".  The Seeker brushed a finger down her cheek in a loving gesture as he answered sweetly.  "I'm flattered. Now what shall I do with him until he we hear back"? 

The men set down the tank in a room and Magdalena traced her long black nail across the lid, answering eerily.  "The Heart Of Atlantis belongs to me. Make him give it to me and I'll grant your wish Seeker".  The Seeker chuckled to himself, pulling out a vapor from his pocket.  He puffed a gust of white smoke, before saying curiously.  "That sounds like fun".  Jack banged his fist against the glass frustrated.  If they wanted his heart so fucking bad than why weren't they just killing him now!  Magdalena smirked down at him, leaning closer to the lid as she told him.  "You're love for that human is touching. You even had the balls to show him the real you. I admire that. It's a shame your daddy didn't tell you the real story".  The Seeker coughed loudly and asked a bit shocked.  "Are you kidding"?  Magdalena shrugged, stating casually.  "Apparently not. It's a real shame, right"?  The Seeker laughed and moved to his desk, picking up an old looking green leather book. 

Magdalena smirked, before asking Jack playfully.  "Shall we tell you a little bedtime story"?  Jack didn't respond.  He was curious to know.  He hadn't gotten the chance to find the original story.  The Seeker set the book down, taking another puff of his vapor, before telling Jack casually.  "You're the youngest son to the throne of Atlantis. You bargained any price to pay for your father to change his mind, right"?  Jack just stared between them blankly.  Magdalena smirked, tracing a heart on the lid as she asked him.  "Where's your heart, lil' prince"?  Jack continued to stare at her blankly, when she leaned in really close to the glass to continue sinisterly.  "The Heart Of Atlantis isn't your heart, lil' Prince. It's a metaphor. You treasure the heart of your lover. The little Mermaid was told to cut out the heart of the man she loved to pay her debt. To pay yours... I need you to cut out Mark's heart for me". 

Jack slammed his hands against the lid in a pleading fear.  He had been so wrong.  He put Mark in more danger coming here.  It all clicked together.  Magdalena didn't want to kill him... She wanted him to kill Mark.  She'd feed Mark's heart to his father to get back at his dad for her banishment.  Magdalena chuckled at his reaction, adding out simply.  "I'm sure daddy didn't tell you for a reason. After all... It was his lil' sister that started this whole mess in the first place. I never imagined that a few centuries down the road would lead his bouncing baby boy to ask me for the same family treatment".  The Seeker chuckled, telling Magdalena.  "I'll break him down. Just be sure to tell me if his daddy takes the bait".  Magdalena started to leave, answering the Seeker eerily sweet.  "Don't worry. You just focus on your part tonight. I'm going to need that heart... I can't kill off his daddy without it". 

Jack clawed at the glass as Magdalena shot out loud with a hearty mocking laugh.  "Long live the king"!  The Seeker smirked as he watched her leave, before puffing one last time on his vapor and stating menacingly.  "With only two days left... I've got my work cut out for me. So, shall we begin"?  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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