Part 3

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Mark drove Jack to his recording office and flicked on every light that he could.  The place would be more than bright enough to keep Magdalena away, but he still paced back and forth before the glass doors.  He couldn't help it.  He didn't like feeling trapped.  The wind began to splatter the rain against the doors, causing them to rattle loudly.  Jack backed away from the doors as the dark clouds darkened the outside.  He had never been afraid of water and darkness so much in his life.  Mark touched his shoulders and Jack yelped.  Mark removed his hands, asking him as tenderly as he could.  "Jack? I did what you wanted. Now tell me what is going on".  Jack moved away from Mark, muttering solemnly.  "You wouldn't understand".  Mark crossed his arms, shooting back a bit darkly.  "You can at least give me the chance to try".  Jack nibbled on his thumb nervously, before lowering his hand to stare at the floor and ask Mark softly.  "Mark? What do you think about Merpeople"? 

Mark let out a chuckle and Jack looked up to meet his eyes with a serious expression.  Mark shrugged nonchalantly, answering a little humorously.  "What? You mean like mermaids? You think the little mermaid is going to come get you"?  Jack rolled his eyes, sourly snapping back.  "See? This is why I can't tell you. You can't even answer that seriously".  Jack stormed up the steps to the second floor and Mark quickly followed him, telling him seriously now.  "Jack? What is this really about? I can't help you if you don't just tell me".  Jack stopped and gestured for Mark to sit down on the couch.  Mark cautiously sat down, keeping his eyes on Jack.  Jack took a deep breath, before asking again.  "Mark, What are your thoughts on Merpeople"?  Mark rolled his eyes now, letting out a low frustrated groan, but grumbled out seriously.  "Alright. I'll bite. I know they are mythical creatures that dwell in the ocean. A place that I care to know little about because it scares the hell out of me. Satisfied"? 

Jack moved closer to Mark.  His heart was aching in his chest as it fluttered wildly in his ribcage.  Should he just blurt it all out and hope for the best?  What if Mark thought he was crazy?  Licking his dry lips, Jack forced himself to ask aloud.  "What about Atlantis? Do you believe in that"?  Mark pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and finger, when he replied in a droning voice.  "Jack... Where are you going with all this"?  Jack closed his eyes and let himself go numb.  He was going to sound crazy no matter how he phrased this.  So, he decided to just get it all out.  Goosebumps prickled down his arms as he told Mark confidently.  "Mark, I'm in trouble. I screwed up. I trusted the wrong people and I put my kingdom in danger. I thought I was safe, but as it turns out... I'm not. If I don't pay before the next full moon rises. Then I'll die". 

Mark slowly lowered his hand from his face.  His expression a mix of complicated emotions.  Jack began to rub his shoulder anxiously as he waited for Mark to say something... anything.  Finally, Mark shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he asked a little uncertain.  "I'm not sure I'm following all this. Who do you have to pay? Have you called the police"?  Jack nervously ran a hand through his long green bangs, shakily answering.  "No. They can't help me. They'll think I'm crazy. Look. I need you to understand. I need your help".  Mark rested his elbows on his knees, telling him honestly.  "I'm trying to follow you, Jack. But your leading me in circles. Just what exactly have you gotten yourself into"?  Jack started to pace quickly before Mark as an internal war raged in his head.  He wanted to just get this all out, but he didn't want to loose him. 

Letting out a pitiful groan, Jack fell to his knees before Mark.  Gently taking Mark's hands in his own, he took a deep breath and reluctantly forced himself to say aloud.  "My name is Jack Mcloughlin. I am the youngest son to the Merking of the Atlantic Ocean and heir to the throne of Atlantis. I've been in hiding because of a mistake I made and I need your help. Will you help me"?  The silence that filled the room was deafening.  Jack felt like he was stuck in limbo.  Was his silence good or bad?  He couldn't tell.  Mark's face was unreadable.  Suddenly, Mark let go of one of Jack's hands to firmly place on his shoulder.  Jack blinked a little confused and unsure what this meant.  When Mark told him in a bland emotionless voice.  "Jack? How much sugar have you had today? Have you drank any coffee? Cause you get kind of loopy without it". 

Jack brushed off Mark's hand, snapping back.  "This isn't a joke"!  Mark raised his hands up in surrender and leaned back against the couch.  Mark's voice turned more serious, but still held a bit of concern as he stated firmly.  "Ok. Let's for a moment, pretend that you are telling the truth. Why would they be after you? How could I possibly help you? Do I have to kiss you"?  Jack blinked unfazed as he remained stone faced.  Taking a moment to let the silence hang in the air.  He didn't get angry easily, but he didn't like being mocked with a Disney movie.  After a few seconds, Jack dryly answered in a fragile voice.  "If it was that easy do you think I would have told you all this? Mark, you're my best friend... I need you to trust me. Call me crazy, but please... Just help me? I've got no one else to go to".  Mark sighed heavily and shrugged uncertainly. 

Jack lowered his gaze to the floor and slowly climbed to his feet.  As his eyes rose to stare at the sink across the room, he swallowed.  He could try proving it to him... but that would leave him too vulnerable.  Mark broke his concentration by standing up and telling him wearily.  "God damn you and those puppy eyes. Alright. I'll help you out. BUT if I'm still unconvinced in twenty-four hours... Then as your best friend, I want you to get some help. Deal"?  Jack nervously clenched and unclenched his hand.  Could he convince Mark in a day?  Jack clenched his jaw and shook Mark's hand, before he got up the nerve to change his mind.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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