Part 8

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Mark carried Jack out of the bathroom to lay him across the bed.  Jack reluctantly released Mark's neck to prop himself up on his elbows.  Mark walked back into the bathroom to snag a towel off the heated wall rack, before walking back over.  Jack let out a sigh, telling Mark a little worried.  "What if I can't change back"?  Mark draped the towel over his tail, leaning over to gently rub the towel against it as he answered hopefully.  "Think positive thoughts".  Jack bit his lip, trying to suppress his blushing smile.  Mark's hands felt good rubbing him down.  That was positive, right?  After a minute or two, there came a loud series of knocks and the door opened.  Mark jerked away a little startled.  Jack jerked in fright as the cleaning lady stepped in to look them both over a bit nervously. 

Jack calmly and discreetly pulled his towel farther up across his lap.  Revealing his human legs and covering up his much more distinctive male parts.  The cleaning lady blushed and turned away, while she told them.  "My apologizes. Do you not have a sign for your door? I just have to clean the room".  Jack carefully slid off the bed and Mark stepped out to help block him as he snuck off into the bathroom.  Stepping around all drops of water, Jack quickly dressed into his clothes.  That had been a close call.  Much closer than he preferred to ever have again.  Slipping back out of the bathroom, Mark took his arm and started to lead him toward the open door.  When the cleaning lady asked them curiously.  "What are these"?  They both glanced back and Jack winced.  All across the bed where Jack had been laying were bluish green scales. 

Mark walked back to the bed, scooping up all the scales he could find.  He slipped them into his pocket, telling her with a smile.  "My collection of fish scales. Aren't they beautiful"?  Jack blushed, feeling suddenly warm and fuzzy.  Did Mark really think his scales were beautiful?  Mark joined him back at the door and Jack glanced back at the cleaning lady one last time.  His smile and blush fading away.  The cleaning lady was turning over a scale between her fingers and giving him an eerie smirk.  Did she know him, or what he was?  He didn't recognize her.  Mark pulled him out toward the elevator, telling him a little relieved.  "That was close".  Jack could only nod.  Something about that did seem too close.  Was this another one of Magdalena's tricks?  In the elevator, Mark removed a scale from his pocket. 

Jack watched it glint in the light as Mark told him casually.  "Do you shed like that normally"?  Jack shook his head, answering softly.  "No. Well, I mean... I've shed scales before, but not that many at once".  Jack watched Mark stare at the scale closely, before telling him apprehensively.  "Those are expensive if you get the right buyer".  Mark pocketed the scale, answering with a smirk.  "Why would I sell them? There nice to look at".  Jack blushed again, leaning back against the bar behind him.  When the doors opened, Mark lead him out to the panel.  Jack was nervous doing his first solo panel, but somehow got himself through it.  It had been fun and he hoped that everyone had enjoyed themselves too.  It was just one big rush of meeting people and signing things.  Until as the day started to whined down, Jack laid back across the signing table with an exhausted groan. 

His feet hurt from standing and his stomach ached for food.  Mark walked up to his table and Jack groaned, covering his face with his arm as he mumbled out.  "Mark, please carry me to food! I can't move"!  Mark gave a throaty chuckle, before telling him sweetly.  "Or... I could bring the food to you"?  Jack removed his arm to look up at Mark's hovering hand.  A donut never looked so good.  Jack took it from Mark's hand with a smile, telling him just as sweetly.  "It's like you read my mind".  Mark pushed Jack's legs over a bit to sit on the table with him as he answered.  "It wasn't hard. You've always got sweets on the brain".  Jack took a bite out of his donut and playfully kicked Mark in the back.  Mark grinned so brightly at him that it was relaxing.  The silence between them didn't last as both Wade and Bob strolled over to ask them excitedly.  "You guys going to the new aquarium? They are saying it's beautiful". 

Jack slowly sat up as Mark casually shrugged, stating aloud.  "I don't know. I was going to go to the youtuber party. Play some games and whined down".  Bob shrugged casually, replying back smoothly.  "You can do that there from what I hear. They got games and rides. You get to see some beautiful sea life. Come with us"?  Jack shook his head, mumbling out quickly.  "Nah, I'd rather go to the youtuber party".  Wade's eyes narrowed on them both suspiciously, when he asked them.  "You guys aren't afraid are you? Just because they claim to have some exotic attractions? Molly and I are excited to see their merman".  Bob placed a hand on Mark's shoulder, slipping in nicely.  "Come on, guys. Come with us to Deep Sea Creatures"?  Mark looked to Jack for an answer. 

So, Jack quickly told them in mock disappointment.  "We can't. We promised someone else that we'd meet them at the party.  Maybe some other time".  Wade reluctantly shrugged, telling them both warmly.  "Alright. We'll tell you all about it when we get back".  Mark nodded, waving to them as they left.  The second they were out of ear shot, Mark leaned close to Jack asking softly.  "A merman attraction? What are the odds that the guy has a merman"?  Jack's mouth felt dry, when he answered solemnly.  "He's a trapper, Mark. Depending on how good of a trapper he is, he could have many".  Mark turned to look Jack in the eyes, asking him in a whisper.  "Are you sure that you don't want to go? Don't you want to go and see if he actually has one"?  Jack shook his head, seriously answering.  "No. It's safer if I stay as far away as I can". 

Mark hopped off the table, then extend a hand to help Jack down.  With a smile, Mark told him sweetly.  "Alright. We'll got to the party instead. I'm not comfortable being around that much water anyway".  Jack rolled his eyes, bumping into Mark playfully.  Mark wrapped an arm around his shoulder to keep him close enough to whisper to him curiously.  "Speaking of water. I've got some questions for you. Can you breathe in it? I only ask because I didn't see gills on you".  Jack took another bite of his donut, while giving Mark a sarcastic look.  He knew questions like these would come up, but he still felt silly answering them.  He thought that it would have been obvious... but he had to learn a lot about living on land.  So, was it really that different?  Mark asked him questions all the way to the party and even as the music blasted around them once they were there. 

Jack did his best to answer them all.  The more he answered the more free he felt.  He hadn't talked so much about home in years.  It felt good to share his culture.  Mark hung onto his every word and found it so cool, but so terrifying at the same time.  Jack took a sip of his drink to muster up his courage.  He had to tell Mark now.  He feared that if he didn't that he would never do it.  Moving closer to Mark, Jack spoke out over the loud music.  "Mark?! I have to tell you something"!  Mark took a sip of his own drink as he turned to look at him.  Every fiber of Jack's body was telling him not to do it, but he threw caution to the wind.  Leaning in close, Jack practically yelled into Mark's ear over the music.  "I love you"!  Mark stopped dancing and he lowered his drink with wide eyes.  Jack took a step back, feeling so anxious. 

Jack needed Mark to say something.  He couldn't tell what he was thinking.  Was he just shocked?  Was he horrified?  Mark opened his mouth to say something, when someone bumped into Jack, spilling their drink all over his chest and arms.  The woman looked up into his horrified eyes with her bright blue orbs just peeking out over her large pair of sunglasses.  Magdalena.  Jack gasped in horror, feeling his legs buckle beneath him.  As he watched his scales tear through the fabric of his jeans, he recalled the Sea-Witch's vision.  He had been so distracted.  He had forgotten.  His body transformed quickly, causing people to jump back with terrified screams.  Jack felt so vulnerable and at the mercy of everyone there.  He couldn't go anywhere.  He was surrounded and unable to get away. 

Jack looked for Mark, but couldn't find him as the crowd rushed in close to take pictures and record him up close.  Covering his face and wincing as people touched him, he called out desperately for Mark.  To Be Continued...                                                                                              



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