Part 15

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Jack licked his dry lips as Mark's hands slid up his pale thighs to his waist.  Closing his eyes, Jack moved his hips over Mark to whatever felt good.  He wasn't even sure Mark was enjoying this, until Mark's fingers dug into his skin and a soft moan left him.  Jack grinned, feeling Mark's hands move tenderly up his sides.  Mark's cock pressed against the spot he desired and a loud moan burst from Jack's throat.  Mark's hands moved around to his back to hold him in place as he sat up.  Jack rested his hand against his collarbone, tilting his head back as his body tingled all over.  Mark's arms tightened around him, his teeth grazing over Jack's shoulder.  The neighbor banged on the wall again, but Jack barely heard it now.  He was too busy listening to Mark's muffled moaning sounds.  It made his insides melt.  He loved hearing Mark take pleasure in him. 

Jack grabbed Mark's shoulder, pulling him up against him to whisper breathlessly into his ear.  "I love you".  Jack stopped moving, panting softly.  He hadn't meant for it to slip out.  He feared what Mark would do or say.  Mark leaned back a bit, turning his head to look him in the eyes and Jack swallowed nervously.  He couldn't take his eyes away from Mark's.  He wanted to see what Mark would tell him.  He wanted Mark to see that he meant it.  A small smile pulled at Mark's lips, before he told him in a deep buttery voice.  "I know. I love you too".  The moment the words left Mark's lips, goosebumps ran down Jack's arms.  His heart felt like it was ready to burst from being too full.  Mark cupped his jaw and pressed his lips to Jack's so tenderly.  Jack couldn't believe this was happening.  This was everything he wanted and so much more. 

After the kiss, Mark lowered his hands and Jack intertwined their fingers together.  Mark leaned down to kiss Jack's collarbone, causing Jack to moan softly as his eyes closed.  Then when Mark flicked his tongue across one of his nipples, Jack arched back with a louder moan that made Mark chuckle.  Jack hadn't expected it.  Biting his lip hard, Jack blushed a deep red.  Mark briefly kissed Jack's lips, before laying back and pulling Jack's hands with him.  Slowly Jack leaned over Mark, pinning Mark's hands to the mattress.  While he stared up at him with soft eyes, whispering to Jack.  "You are exactly who I thought you'd be".  Jack raised an eyebrow as he tried to let that sink in, but Mark told him sweetly.  "You're all heart. Honest and loving. You make me want to keep you safe".  Jack rolled his eyes, but mumbled back playfully.  "Don't say that... You'll make me cry". 

Jack looked up at the headboard, feeling the tears threaten to start.  Why did Mark know just what to say, or do to pull at his heartstrings like this?  Mark made him feel special in ways that no one could ever make him feel.  He made him feel strong and confident.  Mark untangled one of his hands to slide around the back of Jack's neck, pulling him down into a longer slow passionate kiss.  It was all so perfect.  When Jack pulled away from the kiss, his blushing smile faded.  Mark's eyes had gone wide and he was starting to sit up.  Jack shifted to look behind him and was backhanded off the bed.  Landing roughly to the floor as Magdalena pointed a stern finger at Mark, snapping out.  "I wouldn't move if I was you, darling! I've had enough disappointment for one day"!  Jack winced from the blinding pain in his shoulder. 

He had landed on his bruised shoulder and it was seizing up on him.  Forcing himself to sit up, Jack told her hopefully.  "I understand that my father hurt you! But please, don't take this out on me"!  Magdalena turned her cold eyes on him, sneering out through her sharp teeth.  "Why? Because you're such a good lil' prince? Just wait until I tell your daddy who you've been fucking"!  Jack's heart sank to the pit of his stomach, but he confidently shot out.  "My dad isn't here. He's home. Dying because of you".  Magdalena flashed him a menacing grin, saying spitefully through her teeth.  "Not anymore. Now YOU are coming with me"!  Mark started to move as she moved to grab Jack's arm.  Jack winced as she grabbed his arm, but his attention was on Mark.  Mark had climbed off the bed, but stopped moving. 

The gold dagger was pressed to Mark's throat as a misty figure hovered behind him.  Jack began to pant heavily.  The Seeker's misty illusion had Mark.  The real Seeker slipped from the bathroom, leaning against the doorframe as he took a puff of his vapor.  Sending a large puff of thick white vapor into the air, the Seeker told them both casually.  "We have very little time for heroics. So, he's how this is going down. Jack, you are going to do exactly as Magdalena says... Or I start cutting pieces off your lover".  Jack shook his head as Magdalena kneeled down beside him, tugging on his hurt arm as she snapped out.  "You don't want to hurt him. I understand. So, let's just make this easier on both of us. Use this".  Magdalena yanked off her necklace, holding it out for Jack to take.  The small titan shell began to double in size, until it was roughly the size of a large bottle. 

Jack tried to lean away, but she yanked him closer.  Her sharp nails piercing into his skin to the muscle as she snapped out.  "I told you how this works. Press it to his heart and he won't feel a thing! He'll drift off and this will take his heart! All you have to do is give it to him"!  Jack took the shell to get her to loosen her grip.  His arm was starting to bleed from every hole her nails had made.  The second he had it, she yanked him up onto his feet and waited.  Mark stared him down shaking his head.  Jack turned the shell over in his hands to stare at the slimy creature inside.  It had small sharp fangs that would bite into skin to numb the person out... before it would dig in its little tentacles to seek out the heart.  Slowly eating its way in to get it.  Jack thought about trying to press it to Magdalena... but he'd have to be fast and it wouldn't save Mark from the Seeker. 

Mark drew his attention by telling him softly.  "Jack? It's ok. Just do it. I can take it".  Jack shook his head.  Mark didn't know what he was asking him to do.  He couldn't do this.  Magdalena shoved him forward, while Mark told him even softer.  "I'll survive anything for you. It will be alright. We'll get through this together".  Those words hung heavy in Jack's heart.  This wasn't going to end.  Everything he did, only ever brought harm on someone he loved.  Mark had almost died twice because of him.  Giving Mark a quick kiss, Jack pressed the shell to his chest.  Mark's eyes widened in horror as Jack was yanked back across the floor by Magdalena.  Jack felt the fangs sink in deep into his chest and winced.  She had lied... it did hurt... but it was numbing him pretty fast too.  Mark jerked against the shadow, calling his name.  Only to stop when Magdalena started laughing. 

Mark and Jack looked up at her confused, when she told the Seeker warmly.  "Isn't that sweet. Oh, how history repeats itself! True love strikes again"!  The Seeker chuckled, mumbling out as he puffed on his vape.  "I told you. He just needed more time with Mark".  Mark stared them both down asking so confused.  "I don't understand. I thought you told Jack that 'I' was the heart of Atlantis"?  Magdalena rolled her eyes, stating dryly.  "You are. But why would the spell need your human heart? When self sacrifice is so much sweeter".  Magdalena slowly kneeled down beside Jack, staring him down as she told him with a wicked smile.  "Merpeople are such vain creatures. They don't give up their immortal souls, unless they think they are saving the ones they truly love. Hurts, don't it"?  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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