Part 6

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Mark drove Jack from his recording studio to the hotel.  They were running late to check in and the awkward silence between them was making them both uncomfortable.  Until finally, Mark cleared his throat and asked him coolly.  "So... What do I have to do to get this Heart of Atlantis? You haven't said how yet".  Jack slumped in the passenger seat, trying to get his phone to find a signal as he told Mark a bit depressed.  "I thought I knew... but Magdalena has forced me to think otherwise".  Mark tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, still sounding unconvinced as he asked much softer.  "What did you think before she changed your mind"?  Jack lowered his phone, answering dryly.  "My father always said that the mermaid faked a broken heart and went to the sea-witch. She allowed her to remove her heart and then stole the shell to give to her lover to keep safe". 

Mark shot him a quick curious glance, before prodding on gently.  "And what did Magdalena say to change your mind"?  Jack sighed heavily and looked out the window, answering disappointedly.  "She just told me that I was told the censored version. Whatever that means".  Mark chuckled, stating bluntly.  "Well, all fairy tales have been changed into happy ends. The originals were always darker and ended sad to teach kids that life is full of dangers".  Jack rolled his eyes, but then thought about it and asked curiously.  "Mark...? Was the little mermaid movie based off one of these fairy tales you speak of"?  Mark nodded and Jack tried to search for it on his phone.  His phone kept cutting in and out though which frustrated him.  When Mark distracted him by asking curiously.  "Do you think your story and ours are based off the same mermaid"? 

Jack chuckled, sarcastically replying.  "How many mermaids do you know that come up to the surface for a human? I'd bet on it. The question is... is your tale the original, or do I have to keep looking"?  Mark shrugged, answering honestly.  "I don't know. You'd have to find someone who knows".  Jack rolled his eyes, muttering sourly.  "Like Magdalena? Sure".  Mark parked in the lot and walked Jack inside the hotel.  Once they were official checked in, they headed for the elevator.  Mark leaned back against the wall after pushing their floor and asking a little off subject.  "Jack? You really believe that you're a merman"?  Jack looked up from his phone to give Mark a hard defensive look.  Mark shrugged nervously, adding in.  "I'm only asking because I've seen you eat sushi. So, Doesn't that make you... a cannibal". 

Jack rolled his eyes, looking back down at his phone as he answered a little amused.  "Just because I'm half-fish doesn't mean that I'm related to everything in the ocean. Jesus, Mark. That is like saying that because you dwell on land that you are a cannibal for eating everything on land".  Mark chuckled and Jack lowered his phone to let out a chuckle himself.  He loved watching Mark laugh.  Jack felt the urge to tell Mark how he felt now.  They were alone and he was in a good mood.  Jack slipped his phone into his pocket and moved closer.  Only to take a nervous step back.  Getting to close to Mark was making him light-headed.  Grabbing the rail for support, Jack opened his mouth and forced himself to meekly squeak out.  "Um...Mark"?  Mark looked in his direction and Jack hesitated.  He couldn't say it.  He didn't want to loose him. 

The door to the elevator dinged and the doors opened.  Jack shifted uncomfortably as a man entered the elevator.  Jack moved closer to Mark to give the man his space and Mark nudged his shoulder playfully asking.  "What? What were you going to say"?  Jack shot the man a nervous glance and muttered out.  "Nothing".  The elevator continued to rise, when the man glanced over and asked politely.  "Hey, Are you Markiplier"?  Mark nodded and the elevator dinged again.  Jack calmly tried to rush Mark from the elevator, but the man followed them out into the hall, telling Mark happily.  "Oh, I can't believe my luck! Mark would you be interested in helping me out"?  Mark shrugged, ignoring Jack as he lightly tugged on his sleeve.  Jack wanted to get some time alone with Mark.  Why was that so hard? 

 The man pulled out two tickets from his suite jacket and handed them off to Mark, boldly stating aloud.  "I'm hosting this charity event and I would love if you could help us out? It's to help save ocean life from oil spills. We just need someone to help bring them in and I'm sure we can raise enough. Will you help us"?  Mark looked over the tickets with a smile, but Jack felt uneasy.  He couldn't explain it... it just felt wrong.  The man locked eyes with Jack suddenly and Jack took a step back.  This man... he wasn't normal.  One of his eyes was starting to glow with a strange purple symbol... and in that eye... Jack saw himself.  His merman self reflected in it.  He was a Seeker!  Magdalena had found a Seeker and sent him after him!  The Seeker grinned wickedly as he stared at Jack and told Mark smoothly.  "Please do me this honor? It would mean so much to me". 

The Seeker turned to look back at Mark as Mark looked up to answer.  "I'm not sure I can. See, I'm here for Pax...".  The Seeker quickly cut in excitedly.  "Oh please? You'd just have to be there for a minute or two. Just long enough to say you support what we are trying to do".  Jack tugged harder on Mark's sleeve, whispering to him desperately.  "Turn him down, Mark. Please? We can't go".  The Seeker casually pushed Jack back away from Mark, telling him sweetly.  "You won't want to miss the grand opening of the Aquarium. It's so beautiful and even showcases the majestic creatures that we are caring for. There are even rides and exotic foods. I can give you VIP passes to try them all"?  Jack tried to move back in closer, when the Seeker's hand revealed a nozzle under his long black sleeve.  He had water stashed on him. 

Jack shifted uncomfortably.  He couldn't risk exposing himself right now.  Mark nodded, happily stating.  "Sure. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun".  Jack's heart sank to his feet.  The Seeker pulled two VIP passes from his jacket to give to Mark, before giving them a deep gentlemanly bow.  Then as he straightened up, he flashed a devilish grin to Jack as he told them excitedly.  "I'll see you there".  As the Seeker walked away, Jack rubbed his collarbone nervously.  Seekers were low level wizards with the gift to see mythical creatures. They acted like trapping poachers.  They captured creatures for profit.  Selling homemade products to humans that were taken from whatever creatures they had in their possession.  If Magdalena was playing with him... than she was starting off strong. 

Mark patted Jack's shoulder, telling him sweetly.  "What a nice a guy. We have actually got time. What do you think? You want to check it out"?  Jack grabbed Mark's arm, anxiously pleading out.  "Mark, I don't think we should. Didn't that guy seem off to you"?  Mark shook his head, seriously admitting.  "No. He seemed fine to me. What's wrong"?  Jack licked his dry lips, trying to sound casual, when he answered softly.  "Mark... Please, just trust me. You don't even like water".  Mark locked eyes with Jack saying excitedly.  "It's an Aquarium, Jack. I'm not going swimming in it. It will be fun. Let's go see it".  Jack bit his lip hard.  Mark's eyes... There was a weird deep purple hue to his dark brown eyes.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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