Part 17

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Jack couldn't breathe as he watched the crackling beam of magic head straight for Mark's chest. Mark turned his head, laying a hand on Jack's chest. It was only when Jack's eyes widened in shock that he turned back to look. The beam of magic struck an invisible wall and dissipated. Magdalena lowered her hand seeming just as surprised as them, but her eyes were locked on his aunt. His Aunt was holding up the dagger like she was blocking an attack. Magdalena shifted nervously, asking in a much calmer tone of voice. "Where did you get that"? Mark pointed to the dead Seeker's body, while Jack's aunt answered sharply. "That doesn't matter. It was your gift to me remember? My voice for the one I love. You cut my tongue out with this and then you twisted James against me! You wanted my immortality! The Heart of Atlantis"! 

Magdalena rolled her eyes, snapping back. "I gave you what you wanted! I even let you keep your precious immortality, because I was friends with your brother! I didn't know that you loved HIM. So, yes. When I found out that he was seeing you and you suspected another woman. I gave you the dagger to kill him... but you couldn't do it. Instead, you chose to blame me when he tricked you into giving up YOUR immortality for his own desire. He never loved you or me. He was after a power far greater. Your brother. The King of Atlantis. Imagine a King that can command the seven seas and all who live there. I may be spurned and vengeful, but I'm not stupid"! Jack's aunt rose to her feet and practically shouted out. "You ordered him to kill me"!

Magdalena sighed heavily, before stating. "That was a mistake. Because of you your brother had me banished to the deepest trench in the ocean. A place where I'd never see the light of day again. A big mistake... cause if I had known what these fowl men would do... I would have just killed you myself"! Magdalena started to move forward, when Jack's aunt kicked Mark away from Jack. Mark scrambled to get up, rubbing his shoulder. The Sea-Witch sat up looking horrified as she cried out. "Highness?! What are you doing"?! Jack's aunt kneeled to put the dagger to Jack's throat, causing Magdalena to stop in her tracks. Jack could feel more of his own blood pooling in his mouth as his aunt yelled out. "Hold it, Mags! I only agreed to come for a deal of my own"!

Magdalena tilted her head a little confused. So, his Aunt continued quickly. "I hate this mortal life. I want to go back to the sea. You took my immortality and with it my ability to go home. Now you'll give it back and in exchange, I'll give you his immortality! Otherwise, I can kill him right here and your plan to get revenge on my brother is ruined"! Mark climbed to his feet, yelling back at her. "How could you! He's your nephew"! Jack's aunt glared at Mark, saying coldly. "I have two other nephews and a niece. Losing one to hurt Magdalena is worth it for all that she has done to me"! The Sea-Witch inched closer, pleading softly. "Don't do this! Magic doesn't work that way! Magic takes its own payment! It doesn't let you choose what it will takes! Think about what your asking"!

Jack's Aunt pressed the dagger closer to Jack's throat to make the Sea-Witch stop moving, before she answered bluntly. "Mags, had me cut out my own tongue for the first spell! She can make this happen"! The Sea-Witch shook her head, saying calmly. "That wasn't what paid for your humanity. Mags told you to do that as payment to preform the ritual. Magic did something else". Jack's Aunt practically screamed at her. "What?! What did it take"?! The Sea-Witch glanced from Magdalena to his aunt before answering. "It didn't take anything. You wanted to be human and magic came through for you. It gave you what you wanted and used the energy left over to... to make him". Jack watched the Sea-Witch raise her hand to point a finger at Mark.

Mark's eyes widened in confusion as he asked a bit perplexed. "Me? I don't think so. I was an-". Magdalena cut him off to answer in a blunt but gentle tone. "An accident? There are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason". Jack's Aunt moved the dagger from his neck a bit, asking confused. "I don't understand". The Sea-Witch took a quick breath, before answering in a rush. "Magic doesn't always take things from you. Sometimes it plans for something greater. Life is all about teaching us lessons. Look where your hatred has brought you both! If you continue like this... you will start the next circle of the same hatred you have now". Magdalena glanced down at the floor in silence, but Jack's aunt shrugged, snapping back. "What"?!

Mark suddenly asked aloud in a gentle tone. "You're saying that history repeats itself until a better solution is found"? The Sea-Witch nodded, adding in. "Yes. There are ways to make this all work out. You just have to think rationally about this"! Jack's Aunt nodded slowly, saying gently. "You're right. There is one way". The Sea-Witches eyes blazed a bright white as she screamed in horror. Jack only saw his Aunt bring the dagger down on the shell attached to his chest. The second the dagger touched the shell, the shell began to crack apart. While across the way, Magdalena dropped to her knees as cracks started to form on her skin. Mark jumped back as Magdalena fell apart beside him, crumpling into a pile of ash at the same time the shell did.

The Sea-Witch's eyes faded back to normal, her gaze locked on where her sister had been. Mark's and Jack's Aunt were both transfixed by the bright bluish light that was hovering over Jack's chest where the shell had been. Mark inched closer as Jack's Aunt dropped the dagger, whispering out to herself. "Immortality... Finally"! To Be Continued...       

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