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Dinah | 5:51pm

I swear you better come

Camila | 5:52pm

....or else?

Dinah | 5:52pm

You'll be a dead fish

Camila | 5:53pm


Dinah | 5:54pm

Bitch are you gonna k me?

Camila | 5:54pm


Dinah | 5:55pm

Are you coming to the party? Yes or no??

Camila | 5:56pm



Dinah created a group

Dinah added Ally

Dinah added Normani

Dinah added Camila

Dinah named the group "Bitch you better come"


Normani | 5:58pm

The fuck is this group for??

Ally | 5:58pm

Mani don't curse, thank you!

Dinah | 5:59pm

Camila doesn't want to join us at the party

Camila | 6:00pm

This group chat is unnecessary.

Normani | 6:00pm

Shut up and join us .

Dinah | 6:01pm

Yeah..even ALLY is joining. I repeat: A L L Y.

Ally | 6:02pm

What does that mean now?

Dinah | 6:02pm

Cause you're all about jesus, holy stuff and going to bed early lol

Normani | 6:03pm


Camila | 6:03pm


Ally | 6:04pm

😒 I hate you all. But yeah Camila join us please..

Camila | 6:04pm

You all know that I have a crush on Lauren and it's her party and I'm just afraid I'll do something embarrassing.

Dinah | 6:05pm

Fuck it. Go get ready and put on your white high waist jeans and a white top ok?

Normani | 6:06pm

Yes girl!!

Ally | 6:06pm

Yes Camila! Definetely. Everything will be alright, don't stress about it.

Camila | 6:07pm

Duuhh ok. Can someone pick me up?

Ally | 6:08pm

I will.

Camila | 6:08pm

Thank you!

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