twenty six

5K 114 24

Lauren | 12:32pm

Hey, sorry about last night.. I'm such a mess

Dinah | 12:35pm

Hi. Can you like.. not get drunk everytime you're stressed, sad or whuteva? It might help for a few hours but it's unhealthy and I care about you.

Lauren | 12:35pm

I'm sorry Dinah

Dinah | 12:36pm

Next time just call me, come over or text me cause I'm here. Always.

Lauren | 12:36pm

Thanks, I will. I appreciate you so much

Dinah | 12:37pm

Don't thank me please, that's what friends are here for right?

Dinah | 12:37pm

Btw.. I don't want to bring up the topic that upsets you but... are you ever gonna text her ? I mean I don't want my ship to go down like Titanic smh y'all had just been getting started

Lauren | 12:38pm

Ugh Dinah. So annoying..

Dinah | 12:39pm

Answer my question or do you want me to come over and chop your head in salami pieces?

Lauren | 12:40pm

Wow calm down. I don't know, I wanted to text her

Dinah | 12:41pm

You're so stupid. Just go see her and apologize through real communication & not texts smh is that really how you handle things? Who raised you? I just wanna talk.

Lauren | 12:43pm

Oh so should I just knock on her door and be like "hey wassup i'm sorry camila, i truly am oh and i'm here to tell you that i have hella feelings for you but heyyy i fucked up so i'm gonna leave again cause you probably hate me so.. bye!"

Dinah | 12:44pm

Oh my fucking god chill your pale salami lookin nipples and sit your cuban ass down for a minute.

Lauren | 12:45pm

I feel attacked ....

Dinah | 12:45pm


Dinah | 12:46pm

But don't take things too far ok? Only if she allows you to.

Lauren | 12:47pm

K, I'll buy roses and uhh wdym take things too far?

Dinah | 12:48pm

I don't want you two to ...wait I do want it but you know.. don't start humping on eachother like dogs. Just take things slow

Lauren | 12:49pm

I suddenly don't know you

Dinah | 12:49pm

Shut up. Text me before you do something.

Lauren | 12:50pm

Yeah ok. Talk to you later, bye!!!!


A/n: Oh my god. First of all... 8k views on this story!???! I can't believe it! This is more than insane!

Thank you so so so so so so much to every single person out there who votes, adds this story to their libraries and patiently wait for an update.
I am truly sorry that I'm always late but I have some things going on.. you know.... school, exams and just life in general sucks but hey, life goes on.

I know it is really boring at the moment and I have some plans but I have more than one or two plans so I need to decide and it's honestly so hard to choose one of them but I'll make sure it will get better & of course, as soon as summer break starts, I'm willing to write more and who knows.. maybe write another story (without texts).

This story isn't going to be as long as I had planned it to be and it will most likely come to an end soon because I have so many plans and ideas for new stories and I can't wait to share them with you guys.

- Luana

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