thirty one

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Camila's POV

I woke up to the ringtone of my phone. For some reason I had the urge to pick up as fast as I could, even though I hated talking in the morning but it seemed to be important when I heard a doctor's voice. I froze. My mom.

"Mamá??", I managed to say when the doctor quickly interrupted me.

"Good morning Miss Cabello. It's Dr. Mahone. You should come see your Mom as fast as you can.. we need to talk.", the younger doctor said.

"Ok, I'll be right there!", I said, hanging up and jumping out of my bed quickly.

"Baby, what's wrong?", I heard Lauren's morning voice. I turned around to face her.

"Dr. Mahone called and told me to come see my Mom as fast as I can and he also added that he needs to talk to me. I'm putting some clothes on and I'll be right bac-", she interrupted me, grabbing my wrist, "Alone? No way. I'm coming with you, Camila!", she protested and got up aswell.

I picked a plain black hoodie and camo sweatpants. I quickly put them on and ran to the front door, to put on my black vans.

"Lauren? I'm ready to go!", I yelled so she could hear me. I saw her rushing in my direction. "Your phone.. here.", she handed my phone and we got out.

"I'm driving.", Lauren said and got in the car very quickly. I just nodded.

We didn't really talk, we didn't even had our morning kiss, we didn't even have breakfast but we were both exhausted from last night.

She parked the car and we got out of it quickly, rushing into the hospital, then through the busy corridors.

"Oh, Good morning Miss Cabell-", Dr. Mahone started off but I cut his sentence, "Where's my mom? Is she okay? Please tell me something. I need to know how she's doing."

"Come in my office, I will tell you.", he said. "Are you alone?", he asked and I saw Lauren getting angry with the younger doctor.

"Excuse me Dr. Mahone but I am here too. Good morning! I'm here with my girlfriend to see her Mom and finally get to know what's wrong!", Lauren said in a louder tone.

"I'm sorry, Miss.."

"Miss Jauregui. Now finally get to the point!", Lauren mocked.

"Okay so I'm really sorry to say this but your Mom has only about 48 hours left. We tried everything with the chemotherapy but the tumor she has, is a bad one and a really rare one. I'm sorry again.", he said.

I felt my world crashing into a million pieces. All I wanted to do right now was punch all the walls in this damn hospital and scream.

I felt Lauren holding me and kissing my forehead, wiping my tears away with her thumb. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm here okay? I won't leave you.", she said in a very sad tone but I couldn't stop the tears running down my face. It felt like a never ending marathon of tears.

"You can go see her.", Dr. Mahone finally said. Lauren and I quickly rushed through the corridor, searching for my Mom's room number.

"It's 1610 right?", Lauren asked and I nodded.

Lauren's POV

I opened the door and Camila let me go, to hug Sinu.

It broke my heart to see what I currently had to face and I felt weak. I finally hugged her too and Sinu started talking. "I'm so happy that you two came! Lauren how are you?", she asked and I told her I was doing fine but seeing her like this made me feel sad.

"Don't be sad. I will soon feel better and I know how devastating this is, because I was too when my husband died a year ago, but I promise everything will be okay, Mija.", she tried to cheer me up but when I heard the part about her dead husband, meaning Camila would be without parents soon, broke my heart even more so I pulled Camila in for a hug.

"Ma, Lauren and I are officially dating since like.. yesterday. I feel like you should definitely know this.", I suddenly heard Camila say and my lips formed into a light smile.

"I'm so happy for you! You two are cute together!", Sinu really did seem to be happy about it.

Camila and I kept looking at eachother and I could see my whole future in a pair of chocolate brown eyes.

"I uhm.. I'm going to buy a coffee, I'll be right bac-", I started off and then Camila interrupted me. "I'll go for you.", she walked out of the room and I found myself alone in a hospital room with my girlfriend's mother.

"Lauren? Do you love her?", I met her eyes.

"Of course I do. I love her more than anything in this world and I don't ever want to lose her.", I said and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Will you promise me to always take care of my daughter? I won't be here anymore but please take care. I hope I can count on you.. Camila is sensitive but I know that she found someone she wants forever.", a tear rolled down my cheek too and I took her hand.

"I promise."

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