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Camila's POV

I put on The Notebook. I didn't have anything better to do than watch movies the entire day. It was only afternoon but I enjoyed watching movies.. just not as much as I enjoyed watching them with the girl I had kissed two weeks ago.

I had prepared mac n cheese earlier so I decided to get up, even though it was very hard to move, since I was lying on the couch ever since this morning. When I got back from the kitchen, I sat down on the couch again and pulled the soft blanket over me, covering my stomach. I pressed 'continue' and got interrupted again when I heard a knock on the door.

I wasn't expecting anyone today so I pretended I wasn't home and kept watching. Someone kept knocking so I finally got up. I looked through the peephole on my door and saw a familar, patient woman standing there, holding something behind her back. I didn't want to open the door because I was afraid of what was going to happen but I wanted to give us a chance so I carefully opened the door.

"H..hey, sorry for disturb-", the shy woman with a pair of emerald eyes started to greet me but I interrupted her to end the probably awkward moment.

"Come in.", I stepped to the side and ran my fingers through my hair as she got in. I spotted a rose in her hand.

She looked over to the living room, seeing the movie which was on pause, then her eyes met mine again. "So you're watching The Notebook? I didn't mean to disturb you but I came to apologize for everything..", she managed to say and finally held the rose between us.

"That's sweet. Thank you Lauren.", I answered and slowly took the rose out of her hand. "Don't worry about it though.. I was being too dramatic about this but I forgive you.", I kept going and a smile appeared on the older ones face and so did my lips form into a rather shy smile.

We walked into the living room and we both sat down. "So, do you want to join me? I've been watching movies since this morning.", her smile seemed like a never ending loop and she just nodded.

"Take your jacket off and get comfy, Jauregui.", I said and chuckled a bit.

She took her jacket off and joined me. She cuddled up to me and I continued the movie. Usually she was really cold but tonight, her body was warmer than the blanket that had been covering me since this morning and I loved being next to her. I felt safe once again and I loved the fact that after all, she came back to me. She could have went back to his ex.. I mean.. who would fall in love and stay with a drama queen like me? But she chose me and it made me think but happy at the same time.

After an hour I felt her breathing heavy and noticed that she fell asleep. She looked angelic while sleeping peacefully and I knew I wanted to have moments like this for the rest of my life. I know it sounds crazy because we aren't even a couple yet but I felt like a part of me belonged to her and I finally wanted her to be officially mine. I wanted to peck her lips again. I wanted to feel her hot breath again.

"Camz.", her mumble snapped me out of my thoughts and I froze, hearing her calling me that.

"Will you be mine?", the question I wasn't expecting to ask, just slipped out of my mouth and I knew I couldn't take it back but it was ok, because I didn't want to take it back.

Lauren's eyes widened a bit more, she was trying to realise the four words that had just unexpectedly slipped out of my mouth. I felt her lips crushing onto mine and she slowly let go. "Of course I'll be yours. Will you be mine too?", she asked, I blushed and nodded, closing the small distance between our lips again and kissed her in a passionate way.

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