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Camila's POV

I woke up from a nap.

It was 8pm and I had to get ready for the party. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to go again and embarrass myself infront of my crush. It wasn't easy for me, because I knew she had a boyfriend and I didn't even know what her sexual orientation was.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. After 10 minutes, I got out and found myself sitting on the edge of my bed.

What should I wear for tonight?

That was a hard question and I think this question is hard for every girl out here.. especially when you're about to go out for a party and your crush is there.

After I had struggled with my outfit for 10 minutes, I had finally found something decent.

A white crop top and light high-waist jeans.


Dinah | 8:45pm

Gal are u ready?

Camila | 8:46pm

Yeah give me a sec

Dinah | 8:46pm

Hurry bihh, we're waiting outside smh


I quickly ran down the stairs and put on my white converse shoes and got out.

I got into Ally's car and greeted them all. I was so nervous. We were almost there and Dinah tried to calm me by telling me jokes. It helped a bit but my stomach was still full of butterflies.

We got out of the car. The way to the party was about 2 minutes so we had to walk but it was okay. As we got closer and closer, I started trembling a bit and my hands were cold.

Now I felt grasshoppers in my stomach.

We got in and it was pretty loud in here. We sat down on the table Dinah had reserved yesterday. So many people filling the whole area. The beat of the music caused people to dance, you could see their smiles light up like stadiums. Drunk people, also shy people trying to make a move on someone. Now I found my gaze on a girl.

She was wearing black shorts, which almost looked like a skirt and a black crop top, exposing her belly button and her abs. Her hair was wavy, almost curly.

She didn't see me. But I did.

Now I saw her hands running through her hair, placing them on one side. God, did she even have any flaws? I think not.

"Want a drink?", a stranger with a male voice asked me as I turned around to face him.

"No, thank you.", I replied and faked a smile.

He tried to talk to me but we got interrupted.

"Hello Camila.", I froze as I heard a familar voice. I turned around and my eyes checked her out from her bottom to top. I saw the familar clothes and I knew who it was.

"H..hi Lauren", I stutter as I feel my cheeks burning.

"Brad, this is Camila, my friend. Camila, this is Brad, my boyfriend.", she said and Brad shook my hand. I hadn't even noticed him until Lauren mentioned him.

"Nice to meet you, Camila.", he said and smiled.

"Nice to meet you too.", I replied and faked a smile.

"Baby, I have to go now, I love you. See you tomorrow.", Brad said and they kissed. I looked somewhere else while they were kissing cause it was awkward and weird.

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