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Lauren's POV

"It's been 7 years and the ring still looks good on your finger.", I glanced at the now 25 year old woman, I had married 6 years ago today.

She smiled at me and she still looked the same, as she did when I fell in love with her.

"I don't want to go to grandma Clara!", I heard Grayson, our 5 year old son protest from the corner.

"Babyboy, you have to. Today is a very special day for me and your mother but I promise we'll pick you up tomorrow okay?", Camila said and I found myself smiling like and idiot, because I still couldn't believe that me and my wife had this beautiful son.

He has Camila's tanned skin, her nose and lips but my eyes. He is a very sweet creature, he's as clumsy as my wife but somehow intelligent too.


My mother arrived, so I took Grayson into my arms and kissed his forehead one last time before he hugged my wife and slowly made his way to my mother's car.

"Be nice Grayson!", Camila said. He nodded and waved us goodbye with the cutest smile on his face.

Now it was time to make this day special for us.

We would always go to restaurants on our anniversaries but this time, I had planned something very different. When Camila was busy playing with our son earlier this morning, I was upstairs in our bedroom preparing everything. Rose petals on our bed, candles which I still had to light up and Champagne. Not to forget; our sex playlist was ready as well.

"What are you thinking about right now baby?", Camila asked and I raised my eyebrow. "Nothing really.", I simply replied and she focused back on her phone screen.

"What are you watching?", I asked as I tried to see what she was looking at.

"Oh, old videos of us.", she said and focused back on her screen oncr again. "Aw, baby look how cute you look here!"

"Ew baby that's just cringe.", I said and Camila instantly looked at me.

"What did you just say?", she asked almost in a seductive tone. "I said that's just cringe.", I repeated once again and I knew it was a bad move but I didn't care in that moment.

"Take it back.", Camila said but I just shook my head and laughed nervously. "Come on, Camz. I look ugly her-", I felt her lips interrupting my sentence as they crashed into mine, kissing me in an angry way.

"Excuse me, Jauregui-Cabello. What did you say again?", I felt her hot breath on my earlobe and as I opened my mouth to speak again, she grabbed my waist and pulled me closer, kissing me once again.

"Take it back.", she said again. "N-no.", I began to stutter because she started kissing my jaw. I let out a rather quiet moan. "I didn't hear it. Repeat it, baby.", her hot breath against my neck was like heaven for me. I wanted to say no again but I could barely answer.

She pulled me closer again and pushed me against the wall. She immediately started sucking on my pulse point in a sensual way and god, did this feel good. She moved closer to my earlobe and I could feel her hot breath again. "Hey, i'm talking to you. Are you going to take it the fuck back baby?", she asked once again. "Ye-yes baby.", she pecked my lips and smirked.

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