twenty one

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I'm so sorry guys...

I woke up to the face I fell asleep to last night. The sunlight hit her hair and her eyes were still peacefully resting.

I found myself staring at her again. I don't know what exactly it was, what I was feeling for Camila but it was such a strong feeling and I felt safe around her.

"Stop looking at me", I hear her mumble.

"How did you know? Your eyes are closed.", I raised my eyebrow.

"I just know.", was all she replied.

She slowly opens her eyes and meets my gaze. Camila gets closer, cuddling up to me but I gently push her away. "I'll get up and make us some breakfast ok?", I say as I quickly get up and leave her.

I made my way to the kitchen. I didn't really know what to prepare, cause the only thing I found was cereal and milk. A concept. So I took two bowls and poured the milk in them, adding the cereal after. As I place the bowls on the table, I feel a warm smaller body approach me from behind. I smirk and she gets closer to reach my earlobe. "Good morning, Jauregui.", her raspy voice made me shiver a bit.

"Good morning.", I reply. I wanted to take a seat but she stopped me and stood infront of me, giving me a koala hug. What a baby.

She places a soft kiss on my cheek. "Camila, breakfast is ready.", I interrupt her and she slowly gets off of me, taking a seat next to me.

After breakfast she made her way to the bathroom, to take a shower, so I made my way to the bedroom, choosing my outfit.

Not even 15 minutes had passed and I see a tanned 18 year old latina walking into the bedroom, wearing nothing but her bra and panties.

"What?", she asks teasingly.

"Hm? Nothing.", I nervously reply but my eyes still darting on her tanned skin.

She quickly disappeared after she had picked her outfit and I was alone once again. How is it possible, to look this beautiful?


Camila's POV

I made my way back to the bedroom, where my crush was waiting patiently. I was standing nervously infront of her now. I wanted to kiss her again. I wanted to feel all the butterflies again. So I got closer but I felt her hands pushing me away gently.

"Sorry.", she says.

"What's wrong?", I ask.

"It's nothing.", she replies, looking down to the floor.

"Look at me.", I order, " tell me whats wrong?", I ask again.

"Nothing, just tired.", she replies but I knew something was going on.

"I know something is wrong.. you have been pushing me away everytime I tried to get closer ever since this morning.", I finally say and she met my gaze.

It was silent. She didn't say anything and that's when I knew that something was definitely wrong with her. I wanted her to answer my question so I asked again. "Is it because of him? You're still not over him right? ", I break the silence, hoping to finally get a response from her. "If you're not over him, why did you kiss me last night? You can't just pretend nothing happened.", I keep going.

"I'm sorry, Camila.", she finally responds.

"Oh wow..", I say as I take a step back, wanting to rush out of the room but she grabbed my arm.

"Can we at least tal-", she starts but I interrupt her, "No! You can't just...", my voice starts cracking but I keep going, "leave me alone Lauren. Let me go."

She was still holding my arm, so I pulled harder but she wouldn't let me go. Instead, she pushes me against the wall and squeezes my arm. It hurt so much. "Lauren stop it!", I shout but she gets closer and sucks my neck, probably leaving a red mark. I moan in pain. "STOP IT. I SAID STOP!", I shout even louder and she lets me go and rushes out of my room, closing the door shut, leaving me all alone.

I had never felt like this. It felt like someone just walked out of my life. I knew what she did wasn't her intention but she hurt me mentally and physically.

I sat on the floor, my cheeks full of tears rolling down. I felt empty.


A/n: First of all, I want to apologize for the late update. Second, this was not how I planned it to be, I wanted it to be longer and better but I don't have much motivation at the moment. I'm sorry...

Thank you so so much for 4k reads & almost 200 votes. It means so much to me and you all deserve much better tbh.

I can't promise when the next chapter is coming but I'm guessing it's coming tomorrow because it's going to be text chapters again and they're short but I don't want it to be boring, so I'll try my best ok?

BTW just to make it clear; Lauren is not violent, she was just really touched by Camila's words about Brad, that's why. And remember that everything will eventually get better :)

Take care xx

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