thirty seven

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Dinah | 11:18am


Ally | 11:19am


Dinah | 11:19am

Where's the rest smh

Normani | 11:21am


Ally | 11:22am

Oh uh what about Camila and Lauren

Lauren | 11:22am

It's camren yo

Dinah | 11:23am


Lauren | 11:23am

What is this

Normani | 11:24am

A groupchat

Dinah | 11:24am

Aww someone's confused

Lauren | 11:25am

Yeah I just woke up, I'm hella tired.

Ally | 11:26am

Why? You should go to bed earlier

Lauren | 11:27am

I went to bed early af but OK

Dinah | 11:27am

Ally she's tired cause she had a very busy night... I mean where the fuck is Camila? Right, she's exhausted.

Lauren | 11:28am

Omg shut up, no.

Normani | 11:28am

It's obvious though lmaooo

Lauren | 11:29am

K gtg now. Bye.

Ally | 11:30am

Bye :)

Normani | 11:30am


Dinah | 11:31am

Happy humping lol

Ally | 11:31am

Dinah slow down

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