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Lauren | 9:21am

Good morning beautiful, I can't wait to see you tomorrow :)

Camila | 9:22am

good morning, i'm so happy that you're coming

Lauren | 9:22am

How are you?

Camila | 9:23am

to be completely honest, I feel like shit but i'll be fine tomorrow.. don't worry about me. how are you??

Lauren | 9:24am

Camila, I do worry about you and I can't wait to give you the tightest hug ever. And I'm fine thank you.

Camila | 9:25am

ok so.. I guess I'll see you tomorrow cause I need to go visit my mom now

Lauren | 9:25am

Oh yeah okay. Take care. See you tomorrow..


A/n: Hey. I'm sorry that it's taking so long for the chapters but I'm going through stuff at the moment and I'm not really motivated. School starts tomorrow & it's going to be even more hard to update but I'll try my best okay?

Also... THANK YOU for 2k reads! It means so much to me because I got inspired to start writing and I tried once but it didn't really get much reads so... thank you so much for voting too. I appreciate you all :)

I have many things planned for this fanfiction, even though I've planned it to not be a long story but I guess you all have to be a little patient.

Take care, I love you.

- Luana

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