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Lauren's POV

It was raining.

It started raining while I was on my way to the hospital, where I was going to see Camila and her mother but I didn't mind walking while it was raining. I enjoyed walking, especially on rainy days. I know what people might think.. rain makes them feel sad and depressed but it wasn't for me.

I kept walking, the city was silent and dark already because the sun disappeared behind the dark clouds. I inhaled the fresh air and noticed every detail of the city. People running from the one sidewalk to the other to reach their cars as fast as possible, avoiding to get soaked wet from the rain.

As I arrived at the hospital, I made my way in and texted Camila, asking her for the room number. 1610. It was one of the biggest hospital here in America.

I stepped into the elevator and tried to calm down, since I was very nervous. Before I knocked on the younger girl's mother's room, I took a deep breath. I stepped in and closed the door carefully.

"H..hey", I said while meeting Camila's gaze.

"Hi Lauren.. come here.", I walked towards Camila and approached her with a shy smile and hugged her tight. She faked a smile but I knew she was happy to see me.

"Mamá? This is Lauren, my friend.", Camila introduced me to her mom and I gently shook her hand, "Nice to meet you, Sinue.", I introduced myself and ran my other hand through my hair to put them on the other side.

"Muy hermosa!", Sinue said and I glanced over to meet Camila's dark chocolate eyes, which seemed very empty but she smiled and I did too.

Camila and I stayed there for two more hours and we talked, tried to make her mother laugh and then Sinu told us to go home. She didn't want us to spend our time at the hospital but I didn't mind at all. I let Camila spend her probably last weeks or months with her mother.

But Sinu kept forcing us, so Camila hugged her mom and I did too.

"Good night, Ma.", Camila said and took a step back.

"Good night, Mila.", Sinu replied and forced her smile through the pain she was feeling.

"Camila, I'm so sorry for everything that's happening.", I started off, to break the silence as we were standing in the elevator.

"Laur, I know you care and I appreciate it a lot.. but I don't want to talk about it right now.", her voice was shaky, almost cracking.

I nodded. As the elevator doors opened, we both walked out. We were walking through the empty corridor. All you could hear were our steps.

We walked out of the hospital. It was dark and wet outside. The air still smelled like rain.

"Ugh I hate rain.", Camila mocked, breaking the silence.

"Why?", I curiously asked, meeting her dark eyes, which seemed to look empty.

"It makes me feel sad and.. I just hate it."

"I love it.", I admitted.

"What? Are you serious?", she shot back.

"Yeah, I'm being serious.", I answered and she looked confused over the fact that I love the rain.

"Wow. I bet you only love it because it's romantic and shit when you kiss someone right?", she asked and I chuckled.

"Not only because of this.", I said.

"Then.. tell me why you love it.", she ordered and I suddenly noticed that I could see all the city lights from up here. It was stunning and it amazed me so much.

"Look how beautiful the view is from up here.", I told her and she looked as flattered as me.

"Wow.", she mouthed and I smirked.

"I love the rain, simply because the sound of the drops hitting the ground is satisfying. It smells so fresh and like a completely new world when it rains - or even after it.", I explained and she seemed to get it.

***listen to "You & I (Oh Genius Remix)" to enjoy this a little more :)***

She didn't say much. My gaze landed on the beautiful city lights and then back to the eyes I always got lost in. We stared into eachothers eyes. It got so deep, it felt like we were staring into eachothers soul but it was such a strong feeling and I didn't want it to end. It was like staring into eyes you could see your future in. Into the only eyes you wanted to get lost in. Into eyes you would like to dive in, to explore much more. It was such an indescribable feeling what I felt everytime my eyes met hers.

I could see her eyes changing from empty, to eyes filled with love and desire. They were shining as much as the city lights.

I didn't know what I was doing, until it was too late. My lips softly pressed against hers. I kissed her with passion and she kissed me back with even more passion and now our lips were in a perfect synchronization. She placed both of her arms around my neck and I cupped her face, kissing her harder than before.

"You're so beautiful, Camila.", I said after a few seconds staring into her brown eyes. She smiled and kissed my cheek. Our fingers intertwined and we kept walking.

"Oh Lauren, you don't need to go home yet. Stay with me tonight... if you want.", she offered.

"Of course I'll stay with you. I won't leave you alone. Not now, not ever.", I replied.

"Thank you.", Camila said.

As we arrived at her place, she opened the door and dropped her purse on the ground.

"I'll go finish myself now and then sleep because I'm very tired. Sorry.", she said and pulled a rather sad face.

"It's okay. Don't worry.", I replied while taking my jacket off.

"Oh and you can sleep in my bed if you want to.", she offered and I nodded.

I got ready in her other bathroom, since she had two. Before I walked out of the bathroom, I took a quick look into the mirror and noticed how tired my face actually looked.

I walked out of the bathroom and made my way to Camila's bedroom. The door was open and I walked in quietly. I slowly got in the bed and pulled the blanked on me. She was sleeping.

I turned the nightstand light off but I could still see her face. The moonlight was shining through the window on her face and she looked mesmerizing. Her tired eyes were resting and the full perfect sized lips I had kissed two hours ago were quiet. I couldn't stop staring at her face. She was breathtaking and she was only sleeping. Her wavy hair was a little messy and a strand was covering her cheek, so I slowly placed it behind her ear.

It was 2am now and my eyes were still focused on Camila. If she would know how much of a creep I am, she wouldn't let me sleep right next to her but I enjoyed every second, minute and hour and I never got tired looking at her.


A/n: Here it is! Even though I had planned to make this Chapter a little longer, I hope you like it.

Thank you for reading my story and voting, I love you all.

Oh and.. pay attention to Sinu's hospital room number...... (If you know what it is, comment.. let's see if some of you get it :) )

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