Take a Bow chapter 20

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Hello, my name is Madison Taylor, I am 19 years old and I hated myself, my life everything. Until I met Niall. You could say he has been my saving grace. This is my story, hardly anyone knows what I've gone through in my life. My childhood was fine, I grew up with my best friend, Jake. We were practically joined to the hip.

In secondary school Jake and I were accepted The Performing Arts School of Cardiff. Jake met this lad named Ayden, who was two years older, and before I knew it Jake changed. He started ditching class and ignoring me, just to spend time with Ayden, I got to know Cher who was dating Ayden. I didn't know why she was dating him she seamed so nice compared to him, they were complete opposites. After I had a couple of boyfriends that all dumped me or moved away for no reason, Jake came to me and told me he loved me. He told me that since we were little he always pictured marrying me, having children together, and growing old together. I never thought of Jake as anything other than a friend but once I accepted his request to date, it didn't take long for me to fall in love with him.

That's when everything took a turn for the worse.

Jake dropped out of school along with Ayden, they tried to convince Cher and I to do the same but we wouldn't. I didn't see Jake very often, it seemed like every weekend they would have a party. Cher and I were always invited, though we rarely attended. Cher and I would rather spend time with friends, then Jake and Ayden's burnouts. We went once, and I sure as hell wish we didn't.

The party was at Jake's house, before we even opened the door the smell of weed was clouding the air. Disgusted Cher dragged me inside to find our boyfriends, Ayden was found first taking a hit from a bong with some blonde on his lap. I looked to my friend ready to comfort her, but instead she looked pissed. Cher approached the blonde bimbo grabbed her by her bleached hair and ripped her from Ayden's lap. Slapped the bong out of his hands grabbed his wrist and dragged him upstairs. I continued to search for Jake, I went outside and found him in the backyard sitting in a group.

"Now if you want the damn coke it's going to cost you double, our distributers want more money so that's what they're going to get."

That was the night I found out about Ayden and Jake's cartel they were running, but it was to late to leave, we were trapped.

Niall's POV

I awoke from my three hours of sleep next to Madison on the extra bed in the suite. I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her as close as possible. We've been here for a week, and are leaving tomorrow to go to the dance competition in Hawaii. I couldn't bare leaving her alone, not after she told us all the truth about her past. I wonder if she would have told me if it weren't for Louis threatening to tell us all.

The girls have been busy this last week preparing, Danielle has been staying here as well to help choreograph. Luckily Cher is good enough to dance, but we'll have Danielle there ready to dance just in case. I give Madison a kiss on her cheek and stand walking around the suite and find everyone sleeping, well almost everyone.

"Zayn?" I say as I see him standing over Cher pulling the blanket over her shoulders.

"Shhh..." he quiets me before guiding me into the kitchen area. "What do you want Niall?"

"Nothing, I was just checking on everyone, shouldn't you go home? You've been here all week, I mean the rest of the lads are here protecting the girls but shouldn't you be with Perrie? You have to plan for the wedding and all." I say as he opens the mini fridge before closing it in disappointment.

"Your right, I'm gonna go. Can you give me a ride?"

"Sure, I need to go pick up breakfast too, I'll drop you off on the way." I finish speaking, walk into the hall and put on my jacket, Zayn following behind doing the same.

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