Princess vs. Fans chapter 7

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Niall's POV:

I am such a wimp I wanted to ask Madison to be my girlfriend but I freaked out  'I wanna get to know more about you' I'm so freaking stupid. As we continued to walk the rain came to a stop. My phone buzzed. It was a mention from sugerscape

Has Niall Horan Found His Princess? Sure Looks Like It. The artical included the picture the paparazzi took of us.

"oh shit that was fast."

"What." she said looking around panicked searching for paparazzi.

"Sugerscape's new artical now I have to warn you that there will most-likely be fans outside the flat and they problably won't be happy but it's ok I'll sign a few autographs and we'll go in ok?"

"Alright." she said we reached the house and there were about twenty girls.

"Hello ladies." I said with a wave. " This is Madison."

"Hi Madison." they all said in unison like when theres a new student in class and the teacher introduces them. And Madison waved

"Hey I'm gonna sign something's for you guys for a little bit before we go in!"

"Madison can you come over here, we wanna talk to you." a fan said. Madison looked at me nerviously and I gave her a reasuring smile.

"Okay!" she said cheerfully walking forward I was almost next to her and can hear her conversation.

"So your Niall's princess." she said in a bitchy tone

"Um I dont know what that's supposed to mean."

"I bought you a pie."

"Really that's not nessasary, but thank you, what flavor is it?"


"oh thank you but I dont like rasberry, but I'll give it to the boys they'll problably love it and-"

"No bitch I want you to eat it." the fan said smashing the pie into Madison's face and running off.

"MADISON" I ran to her and started to wipe her face, when I saw paparazzi running towards the flat. I rushed her inside, slamed the door, and ran to the closet and got a towel.

"Here use this." I used the towel to wipe her face.

"What the hell was that out there, why would she do that?" Madison said sitting down and leaning against the wall.

"Because she thinks your my princess."

"What is that suppost to mean there is know way at all that I'm like a princess."

"You have pie on your lips."

"Here let me wipe it off." she said reaching for towel, as I sat down across from her.

"why dont you just eat it?"

"I dont like rasberries really."

"Oh well I LOVE rasberrries!" and I leaned in and crashed my lips into hers, when suddenly the door opened.

"Bloody hell what's going on here." I heard Louis shout and Madison and I broke apart.

"Oh, Umm" Madison stamered trying to figure out the situation.

"She had pie on her lips, from the pie a fan through at her and she doesnt like rasberries, and I didnt want to waste food."

"sure well when you guys want to tell us the truth we're all ears." Zayn stated while walking past us.

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