Meet me at Nandos chapter 4

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Niall's POV

"Hey boys what's up, just got home wondering if you want to go to Nandos with me tomorrow." group message sent

"woo-hoo I'm gonna order a bowl of carrots!!"

"Are we going to the one with the pussies cat pictures?"

"Harry your not alowed to call cats 'pussies' its naughty"

"really your already making plans for food tomorro, whatever what time do you want us to come?"

" Come at 10 and don't make plans we might be there awile."

"Nice thought pattern Niall around ten the place won't be very busy on a weekday but why will it take a long time the nandos by our studio is really fast."

"I wanna go to the one by the Thames river."

"Why that's further away from our flats then the other one."

"Please daddy I wanna go to that one!"


"Damn Liam your daft sometimes obviously theres a girl he likes there." Zayn texted

"Ok guys I'm tired I'm going to bed."

"Wait Niall you can't go to sleep and dream about this girl without telling us her name"- Harry

"You'll have to wait"

*next day*

Niall's POV

The boys all met me in the car park at ten Zayn at 10:10 because he had a hair emergency and couldnt leave his flat to get here on time so we walked in I instantly started looking around Madison was behind the counter reading what looked like a teen magazine?

Madison's POV

Some thirteen year old at my last table left this magazine behind. I didn't have any customers so I sat down and started reading gosh I haven't had one of these in a long time. I froze as I looked at the first of the pages it had a big picture of Niall and that's it with information about him. Wow grease is my favorite movie too!

"Madison you have people at table 69" she said and I laughed 

"Madison you can be sooo mature but still so dirty minded at the same time"

"Yep that's me." I sent her a wink and tossed the mag. At her as I walked to the table I noticed it was a group of five boys about my age four of them with different shades of dark hair and a blond one.

"Welcome to Nandos can I get you something to drink also today's specials are on the front of your menu." I said looking at my shoes.

"coke, coke, sprite, diet coke" wow I was jelous of there accents there's sound so much better I started scribbling down the drinks because I will forget.

"I'll have a coke." my heart skipped a beat my eyes widened as I realized the Irish accent from yesterday I looked up and saw Niall smiling at me.

"Hello again." 

"Hello so I'll be right back with your drinks my names Madison by the way let me know if you need anything." I said and walked away I heard someone mutter "damn she's hot" and I just smiled to myself. I returned to the table and was about to speak when the pops walked in.

"Oh, fuck me."

"Gladly." said the one in the superman shirt earning a death stare from Niall making me just about to laugh when Niall spoke.

"What's wrong?" with a large amount of concern in his voice.

"Rank A just walked in."

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