The Dance chapter 14

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Madison's POV

The past few days the girls and I have been working out some choreography and I think its coming along pretty well. Also by girls I mean me, Danielle, Emmalee, Chrissy, Samantha, Perrie, and Elinor.

"So everyone remember to bring your high-waisted shorts and black shoes for the show." Danielle announced as we all left the room. I can't wait to show the boys!

*The next morning*

"Okay everyone I got us matching shirts. Danielle your green, Elinor your yellow, Emmalee; white, Perrie yours is black, Chrissy; blue, Samantha red, and I have the grey. Okay the boys should be here any minute.

Louis' POV

We pulled into the car park and I became nervous I haven't seen Elinor in two weeks we've been fighting, I miss her but at the same time I don't want to see her because I don't like where things are heading. We walked into the studio and saw five chairs i looked up and all the girls were wearing high-waisted shorts and black heels, and I see Elinor talking to a beautiful girl in a blue shirt she sees me and drags the girl over towards me guess there's no turning back now.

"Lou, baby I missed you ." she squealed finaly loosening her death grip off of the girl and pulling me into a bone crushing hug for a small girl she's pretty strong. I looked over to blue shirt girl who was at the moment trying to regain circulation in her wrist I should talk to her, of course that is if elinor ever lets go. Finally, free at last

"hi I'm Louis !" I said giving a smile and wink. While extending my hand.

"I'm Chrissy!" she stated returning the smile as she shook my hand. Hmmm Chrissy that's an awesome name.

Madison's POV

Wow now that the boys are here im really scared and nervious, but oh well might as well get it over with.

*cue video watch*

Whoooo take some deep breaths catch your breath dang I need to work on my stamina um I'm not sure if the boys are okay their mouths are dropped pretty far open, was it bad, was it good. Why is Harry crossing his legs like that while staring at emmalee? Ohhh I know what's going on.

"Madison help." Emma said while running over to me

"What's wrong, did you pull a muscle, do you need to stretch?"

"No it's Harry um I think he has a boner." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Of course he does he can't handle your sexyness." she laughed flipped her hair flirtatiously.

"You know what maybe I do need to stretch!" he quickly pulled her hair back into a bun and reached for her toes giving Harry a perfect view causing him to almost jump off his seat. So I left Emma to continue her torchor on poor Harry And walked over to the Samantha, Chrissy and Perrie.

"Good job girls" I said giving multiple high fives.

"Did anybody else notice that Louis was staring at Chrissy during the entire dance?" Samantha said. And all of us agreed.

"Um we should go check on the boys, they still haven't moved maybe see if they need paramedics or something." Perrie stated pointing at the boys still siting there eyes wid open mouths gaping open.

Elinor's POV

"Danielle he was staring at Chrissy during the whole dance even when I was in the center he was looking at her, I'm gonna cry!"

"No, dont cry. Your most-likely wrong how could you tell where he was looking with all that hair flipping we were doing."

Louis' POV

I couldnt take my eyes off of Chrissy she so breath-takingly beautiful, I need her so much but what about El, I'll have to tell her its over when I look at El I feel nothing, but when I look at Chrissy my heart feels like it's going to explode.

Niall's POV

Damn Madison is a good dancer and sooooooo pretty I'm so lucky I can say she's mine.

Liam's POV

Danielle is so beautiful and such a great dancer, well they all were great I just hope she doesnt dance like this for other men shes mine. Is that too overprotective? I don't know I just want my Dani to be safe there are a lot of sickos in the world.

Harry's POV

I cant control myself damn Emmalee is so great at dancing and sooo flexable that will come in handy later, if you know what I mean. Crap shes stretching I'm gonna die.

Madison's POV

"Hey boys are you okay?" I said approaching the boys that seam to be lost in thought.

"Sweetie that was perfect, you never told me you could dance like that." Niall said tackleing me in a hug. Eewww he called me sweetie I hate being called sweetie.

"Thanks and the girls and I were in a performing arts school together, we had to take dance class. Well Emma and I took two we also took ballet."

"Yeah I figured being that flexible and all." Harry said standing up obviously his friend has left him.

"I'll take that as a complement." Emma said now joining the conversation before looking around the room then asked. "Hey wheres El?" she said facing Danielle who was currently sitting on Liam's lap.

"She went to the bathroom." just then Louis stood up I expected him to go to find Elinor when instead he walked over to Chrissy who was in the courner most-likely reading on her IPhone the little nerd.

Chrissy's POV

"hi" I heard someone say and I looked up from my book I was reading on my phone and saw Louis.

"Hey" I was now nurvious Louis was my favorite in one direction.

"You were great dancing I couldn't stop looking at you." he said touching my arm sending chills down my spine.

"Thanks, yeah everyone noticed you watching me including El, I think she's crying you should go check on her." great send him away how stupid am I

"Yeah I probly should, hey what are you reading?" he said grabbing my phone. His eyes sparked with delight. "A Louis Tomlinson fanfiction?" I blushed looking down he came close and whispered in my ear "Why not have a try at the real thing?"  

My eyes widened and he winked before walking away and into the hallway.

Louis' POV

Chrissy likes me she really likes me I could tell by the way she was acting. Now I gotta dump Elinor. I walked into the girls loo and heard crying?

"Elinor." come here

"Louis?" she said her voice cracking.

"Yeah it's me come out so we could talk."

"No I already know what's going to happen."

"I'd rather see your face when it happens, to know your okay" I heard the door unlock and she shuffled out of the stall.

"Elinor our relationship has been going downhill for a while now, and I don't know about you but I've lost all feelings and I'm ready to move on and I hope you are too because this is me breaking up with you."

"Okay." she said wipeing her sniffling nose real attractive(note the sarcasm) now I'm tired I just wanna go home.

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