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Me: This is basically and Ask and Dare the Teenage Countries. Introduce yourselves guys!

Estonia: Hi~ *winks and laughs*

Latvia: H-Hello... *nervously stutters*

Iceland: Halló. *folds arms*

Hong Kong: Sup?

Taiwan: Hi! *waves with a grin*

Monaco: Bonjour. *smiles*

Seychelles: Salut! *waves*

Molossia: No. Why am I here?

Me: Because you have to be, now be quiet. No one else is complaining.

Seborga: Ciao, bella~ or bello~ *winks*

Hutt River: G'Day mate! Remember you can't talk to me unless you have a Rolls Royce! *flashes a smile*

Luxembourg: *rolls eyes* Hallo, please don't listen to him.

Liechtenstein: Hallo! *smiles*

Vietnam: Chào bạn... *tiny wave*

South Korea: Hi!!!!! *waves energetically*

Kugelmugel: Guten tag... *stares into space*

Ladonia: Hej! I am the Great and Powerful Internet Nation of Ladonia!

Sealand: No one cares. But hello new friends!

Wy: Hi, I guess... Why do I have to be here? I was busy.

Me: Popping bubble wrap does not count as 'being busy'

TRNC: *waves quietly* Hello.

Niko Niko: Konnichiwa.

Me: You can ask and dare any of them whatever. Just nothing too inappropriate please~

Me: You can also ask things pertaining to events that happened in my 'Teenage Country Group Chat' and they'll answer.

Me: Hopefully.

Me: you can ask me things as well!

Me: Leave your asks and dares in the comments! Pls.

Ask/Dare the Teenage Countries! ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now