Jumping jacks for Sea-Kun

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Me: Sealand! Come here!

Sealand: Yes? What is it!

Me: You have an ask and a dare!

Sealand: Woooooooo!

Me: It's our last one from Skynide33! First- the dare is for you to do jumping jacks for 5 minutes straight.

Sealand: Alright! I can do that!

Me: Then do it.

Sealand: *starts doing jumping jacks*

Ladonia: Hahahahahaha

TRNC: Suffer.

Sealand: What? This is fun!!!!!!

~5ish minutes later~

Sealand: *finishes* *is somehow not very tired*

Me: Do you want to answer your question now?

Sealand: Sure!

Me: Lemme just break the fourth wall, hold on a sec.

-Wall = Broken-

Me: Okay, here it is.

Me: "Did you know that you're the constant target for shotacon and pedophilic fanfics in the fandom? I'm not joking."

Sealand: Yes, yes I do! And it's really really weird, and I hate it please stop guys! I'm only twelve physically! Stop shipping me and Wy with Seborga or anyone else older than us! No!!!!!

Me: Yeah... guys no. That's like shipping a sixth/seventh grader with a senior in high school... No. Why.

Me: No pedophilia in my goddamn lobby!!11!!!!1!!!1!!1

Sealand: Why do people write that stuff anyway...

Me: I have no idea, but regardless of why, it needs to stop.

Everyone: *agrees*

Me: Like... it's not even just Sealand though. It's all of you! Plus Moldova(which shocks me he's like 7 guys why do you ship him).

Me: You know what- before I start ranting, I'm going to stop and fix the fourth wall and erase all their memories, hold on.

-Wall has been fixed and memories were erased-

Me: There.

Sealand: didn't you say I had a question too?

Me: Nope. Never mind.

Sealand: Um- ok...

Me: Anyway...

Me: Remember to leave asks and dares in the comments!

Me: I love you all.

Me: I start school tomorrow.

Me: Yep.

Me: Keeping these notes to a minimum because I'm tired lmao.

Me: Byeeee!

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