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Me: Guys!!!!!!

Me: BelgianHetalian has another question! Thank you~

Me: They ask you all to say a country you hate or dislike.

Sealand: Well... I don't exactly hate anyone, but I don't like England

TRNC: Sealand and Greece

Sealand: :(

South Korea: I reallyyyy don't like Russia... he took my brother away... *Korean War flashbacks oops*

Iceland: My family

Hong Kong: ^^^^

Taiwan: I don't really hate anyone...

Monaco: Neither do I

Seychelles: Mr. England tbh

Molossia: I hate Prussia. I also really dislike Hutt

Hutt River: And I dislike you the same amount.

Hutt River: Peasant

Seborga: I don't hate anyone~

Liechtensein: I usually am not one to hate but if Czech and Slovakia don't pay me back I might dislike them.

Luxembourg: I don't know if I hate anyone...

Vietnam: Everyone tbh

Wy: Same

Kugelmugel: Nein

Ladonia: Papa's pretty annoying but I don't really hate him...

Estonia: Mr. Russia is scary... but I don't necessarily.... hate him

Latvia: ^^^

Me: And I find it hard to hate or even dislike any character in this fandom! I just hate a lot of the people in the fandom because of ship wars and other things.

Me: But anyway... leave asks and dares in the comments! You can ask/dare couples(Like HuttLux, etc), trios(like the older three micros, etc), groups with more than three (asians, micros, etc), individuals, me, any combination of characters you want, and the whole group!

Me: Bye~~

Me: Oh yeah, remember to specify who you are asking/daring in your comment! Grazie!

Ask/Dare the Teenage Countries! ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now