Iceland does a RAGE

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Me: Our next set of asks and dares from Skynide33 are for Iceland!

Iceland: Oh joy *sarcasm*

Me: First, they dare you to kiss both Wy and Sealand on the cheek.

Iceland: Hell no.

Me: It's a dare?????

Iceland: Ja, but Sealand's like... my nephew or something? That's weird.

Iceland: Also Wy's his girlfriend so also no

Iceland: And they're like 12 and I'm 17

Iceland: Its WRONG

Iceland: I don't want to, and I'm sure they don't want me to.

Wy: Don't touch me-

Iceland: and don't think I can be as easily bribed as Hutt was last chapter *he stares darkly at Hong Kong who was probably about to come over and try to bribe him* So don't even try.

Hong Kong: *pouts*


Iceland: NEI


-We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties-

Me: Ice! Your next dare is to carry Wy over your shoulder and run a lap while carrying her like Hutt River did!

Iceland: NO

Iceland: I REFUSE

Iceland: I CANT RUN

Iceland: *is an angry little Icey*

Me: It's a D A R E

Iceland: I don't C A R E

Hong Kong: Icey, you have to.

Iceland: donT tELL ME WHAT TO D O *rage*

-More Technical Difficulties-

Me: Iceland sure is a little ball of rage today.

Luxembourg: Oui, he tends to get like that a lot.

Iceland: *fuming* shuT UP

Me: So anyway, Ice, your next dare is to give Kugelmugel a piggyback ride.

Kugelmugel: I'd rather not-

Ladonia: Uncle Ice don't you dare touch him.

Iceland: I wasn't planning on it. And don't call me that!

Me: It's a dare though...

Iceland: I can't exactly do dares when 1) the person I'm supposed to be doing something to doesn't consent. And 2) I don't consent.


Hong Kong: Guys stop making poor Icey suffer you're going to cause a volcano to erupt.

Luxembourg: Oh yeah. That happens.

Iceland: *scREAMING*

-Technical Difficulties-

Me: So sorry about that... Iceland isn't being cooperative today. Hopefully he'll like this last dare!

Iceland: Don't get your hopes up.

Me: The last dare is for you to try and creep out Sealand!

Iceland: That... I can do that.

Me: *grins* Do it then!

Iceland: *rolls eyes and sneaks up behind Sealand* You ate all my licorice didn't you

Sealand: *jumps like three feet in the air* *girlish scream* No- no I didn't!

TRNC: That's a lie.

Sealand: *scowls*

Me: *lmao* And now- Ice, your final thing is an ask!

Iceland: at least its not another stupid dare

Me: The question is: If you were straight, which one of the girls would you date?

Iceland: *eye twitch* None of them. Because even if I somehow become straight(which can and will never fucking happen) they're all- or most of them anyway- are in relationships or have crushes anyway. So no. None of them. Because I'm not into girls. Never will be. And I've never thought about that for obvious reasons. *is being really salty*

Me: Well fair enough.

Me: Anyway... I'm so sorry for our dear Icey's attitude today, but all those dares probably overwhelmed him! I'm so sorry that he didn't do your dares, but I wasn't about to force him to. He was already angry enough. ;-;

Me: //also- a note to you guys//

Me: //pls don't send in asks where you're saying "what if a character is straight" because I hate those types of questions I'm sorry-//

Me: //also pls no trying to get the younger micronations to do anything that might be taken as romantic (ahem- kissing on the cheek or whatever) with any of the ones who are 17. That's like seeing my friend who's a senior kiss my little sister, and it bothers me a lot. It probably bothers the characters too as you could tell with Iceland//

Me: //from now on if I get questions that make me uncomfortable like that I just won't do them. So sorry- hope you all understand!//

Me: //rly sorry if that seemed rude, I wasn't trying to be. I just had to say that!//

Me: anyway... leave asks and dares in the comments! Try to ask characters who haven't gotten much yet! And remember you don't just have to ask individuals, you can also ask/dare ships, groups, trios, and any combination of characters!

Me: Oh yeah, I know I kinda said no before- but I really don't mind if your asks are suggestive and inappropriate and stuff, but just no dirty or inappropriate dares! And these asks can only be towards the older characters! Please don't ask Sealand or Wy or Liechtenstein or anyone young/very innocent anything like that, because I won't do it if you do! Thank you!

Me: Bye!

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