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Annabelle's pov

There was a flash of light and suddenly we were somewhere new. It looked like a abandoned mansion of some kind. It took me a few seconds to realize Ghost was gone.

No response.

I reached into my pocket for my phone. The battery was completely dead. That was odd, I had changed it just last night. I slipped it into my pocket again and began to look around.

Everything was dusty and covered in what looked like... dried blood. In one room I found what looked like a old living room set up. On the table beside the couch was a picture in a frame. Both the picture and the table had blood on them, but this blood looked, fresh.

 Both the picture and the table had blood on them, but this blood looked, fresh

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I examined the picture. It was of two boys. They looked like twins and were probably around six or seven. One had darker hair and a red sweater with a J on it. The other had lighter hair and a blue shirt on. Over the shirt he wore a gray jacket. It was funny, with that jacket and the brown hair and brown eyes he looked exactly like...... Ghost. I looked at the inscription on the frame, it had two names on it. Jimmy and Gregory.

I heard footsteps behind me and spun around quickly, my bat held high. I scanned the room, expecting to see a ghost, but instead I saw....... Ghost.

His hoodie now looked as if it was too big for him. He held himself differently too. Instead of holding himself tall and confident, he looked scared and confused. The look in his eyes was like that of a child.

He called to someone outside the room.
"Cawdboawd Fwiend! I found something!"
His voice wasn't Johnny's or Jimmy's. It was high like Jimmy's but more... innocent.

Then there was the... thing, that came through the door.

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